Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Nothing to say of importance...

Hey guys...I'm sorta pooped today and I really have nothing of interest to tell you about. I came home from work, cut my back yard and weed-wacked before the rains, so I'm happy about that. And since I went to bed late last night, I'm turning in early today.
My son's grandpap passed away today (my ex's dad) so I'm sorta keeping an eye on my son's moods. It's really the closest relative he's had that passed away. With my mom, he was too little to remember much and my dad passed before my son was born and my son didn't really have too much contact with my brother who passed away about 5 years ago. So, needless to say my son is taking this a little hard. My ex is an only child and very very close to his parents. If his parents did anything, they did it with my ex and my son...movies, out to eat, shopping, etc.... Unfortunately, without going into any details, they weren't very fond of me at all due in part to the divorce. And being we live in a small town, it had a little "Hatfield-McCoy" thing going on that actually stretched back to the depression days before I was even in existence. (for you youngsters, Hatfield-McCoys were two feudin' families) My ex's parents probably would NOT have picked me to marry their only son, to say the least. So I hadn't had any contact with them for about 6 years even tho they live about 5 miles away. I don't even know if they ever knew that I'm not on bad terms with their son (aka, my ex). Heck, Sweetie Man and I practically moved my ex entirely into his new house, which I'm sure they knew nothing about. But that was 6 years ago and this is today....and life goes on. So, I offered my condolences to my ex and told him that if he needed anything to please call. And being I believe that we should pray for those who are our enemies or those who arent' real fond of us.....I will pray for my ex's family and the soul of his father. May he rest in peace.
Life is too short to hate...


Jewels said...

You're sure right about that, being too short for hating or grudges or negativity. Time passes anyway so better to look at things the best way possible.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear about this. I hope your son will be ok. Life is too short for grudges. I knew there was a reason I liked you. You are a great person.

Sydney Harper said...

You're right, life is too short for hate and grudges. Hope your son handles this well.

Mimi said...

My condolences to your son. Grandpas are such dear persons to most of us and I'm sure he'll miss him so much :(

Jaye said...

Life is too short to hate, you're right. And that was a lot of important stuff to say.

I'm sorry to hear of your son's loss, Lucy. I'll keep him - all of you - in my thoughts.

Andi said...

My sympathies to your son. I know it's hard. I lost my mom this past January... still at times having a rough time but my advice take one day at a time...