Sunday, July 16, 2006


Wow...what a weekend....busy and fun. Starting back actually on Wednesday when I went to the Library book sale and came up with these finds.

The books were $1.00 a pound and the magazines were $.20 a piece. I ended up going back the next day to get the Mermaid Chair and Vanishing Acts by Jodi Pocult...both of which would have cost me had I even got them used on Amazon. I ended up paying $3.00 a piece for the hardbacks.
Next we went to the big neighborhood sale about a mile from my house. That was nice but really didn't find too much. People were selling all sorts of things but mostly kids toys and clothes. Alot of folks actually set up their own food stands and sold hot dogs and baked goods. Then on Sunday we went to the monthly Fleatique which we really like. I think I told you about it last month and took pics. Between the two (both of which we did in the morning due to the 90 degree temps) we came of with this, though we did buy a couple of extra things.

The stamps I got at the neighborhood sale and the barrettes at the Fleatique. The crochet hooks the lady told me she thought were old due to the little plastic thingys on the end and the one which may be very old with a little metal cap as you can see. All in all these things were about $1.00 a piece. Not bad.
And of course we couldn't leave with our find of some Kensington Ware, which I also posted about last month. The pieces we got this time were about $5.00 a piece....which is a real find. We also got some Kensington Ware trays (not pictured).

Also, went to a graduation party today for my boss's was nice and the food was good...mostly finger foods and such...but really good.
Oh...and you are probably wondering about the title of my post..."Click". That was because we decided to hit the movie theatre cause it was too hot to do anything else on Saturday evening. We don't go to the movies often, but Sweetie Man is a fan of Adam Sandler, and I like him too, so we went. Definately worth seeing...not much of a comedy....more of a life lesson. One of those movies that sorta stay with you.....makes ya think about your life.
Ended that evening with a Hot Carmel Sundae at the local custard stand watching people play mini golf.
Whew...what a weekend....hardly had time to breath. We also wanted to go swimming at a friend's house, but we never made it. It was a great Summer weekend, but now it's back to the old grind.....but that's okay, there are plenty more weekends where this one came from...I love Summertime! So till tomorrow.....stay cool, yinz guys!


Vera said...

Nice finds. I love those crochet hooks with the caps on them. I had those years ago.

Sydney Harper said...

Great finds! It sounds like you had a fun weekend.

platitudinal said...

You certainly had a weekend jam packed with excitement and fun. I love library book sale ... not only helping the library, I get lucky too. Hope you continue to get pleasure from all the newly acquired "treasures" :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a good weekend. Mary wants to go see Click and think she may when she gets paid. I'm getting ready for a rummage sale this weekend. I love going to them too but havent been this year yet. Have a good day!!!!

Jaye said...

Nice loot! Sounds like a great weekend - hooray!

Tina said...

Wow! You made out like a bandit! I got a flier in my door that our neighborhood is having a neighborhood garage sale. I want to have a garage sale, too. But I don't want to miss all the other garage sales!! I have a plan, though... ;) Go to all the other garage sales on Friday, when all the good stuff is out. Then I'll have my garage sale on Saturday. Hee Hee!

Kare said...

Good finds, chickie.
Books and hooks. Really, what more do you need?

By the's Tuesday...your last post was Sunday...

Andi said...

Neat stuff! I found some of my mother's crochet hooks and they have that clippy thing on the end too. Wonder what that is suppose to do? clip on a book?? Reminds me of an ink pen cap.