Friday, June 16, 2006

Twinkle twinkle....

...Little Star.....

and isn't it the cutest thing! Alot of people on a CAL that I am in are doing this star afghan. I'm going to try to make it bigger than the preemie size and go to the baby size and donate it to Project Linus. This is the pink start of it but it is actually going to be in pinks and whites. (left over yarns, if you know what I mean) Everyone is doing different color combos and each one is looking terrific. I'm going to post this pattern in my favorites on the side this weekend in case you are looking for it. Once you get the idea of how the pattern goes , as someone said in the CAL, it's really a "no brainer" and you can make it as big as you want....probably adult size. I just love the shape of it. Sweetie man suggested that the size it is now would make a nice hot pad. I thought that with this being six rows, using a worsted cotton, (Sugar and Cream) and maybe two rows each of red, white, and blue, it would be cute for a 4 of July picnic table. I'm not good with thinking up patterns, but give me an idea or a sample of one thing and I can usually run with it. Anyway, that's my post for today. The weekend is finally here and the weather is beautiful. Been spending alot of time outside just crocheting or reading with the sweetie man. So till tomorrow......happy crocheting/knitting!


Anonymous said...

That is so cute. I really need to get to crocheting so I can make some of these other things. Cant wait to see it done. Have a good weekend.

Donna said...

Oh I definately want to make some of the stars. I believe they make red/white/blue kitchen cotton or sugar and cream. You are right they would be perfect for the Holiday!!!

Kare said...

Those stars are nice. You are such a good crocheter, Lucy. I think I will try a star. I have such a hard time deciphering patterns, though. Not sure why.
Have a good weekend.
(Funny, I wrote 'happy crocheting' on my blog, too!)

Lulu said...

i just cant do that pattern, i dont know what i am doing wrong..

Jaye said...

Cute! And you're right, in S 'n C the star pattern would make some pretty nice kitchen-y goodness :)

Hope you & the hubby enjoyed the weekend, Lucy.