Starring: SWEETIE MAN, SWEETIE MAN'S GRANDSON, MY SON AND HIS LADY AND ME!!!!!! (you may have to press the PLAY button twice till it says PAUSE)
Friday, December 28, 2007
Posted by Lucy 3 Comments
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Luminary Facts.....
Hope you have all survived the Holiday. Sweetie Man and I did most definately and had an awesome Christmas Day just chilling. Of course we sorta needed to as you can see from above.
We were in charge of setting up 200 Luminaries at our new church The River. It was an AWESOME sight to behold....actually more like BREATHTAKING if I do say so myself.
Just in case you ever have the urge to do the same, below are some Luminary Facts to assist you. For 200 Luminaries you will need.....
1. 200 White Lunch Bags
2. 200 Votive Candles
3. 200 Pounds of Sand (give or take 50 pounds)
4. 2 WORKING LIGHTERS (buy extra just in case the other 4 you bought for a buck don't work)
5. 2 Hours to put them together (with two people working)
6. 1 1/2 Hours to set them out (with two people working)
7. (don't know how long it took to blow them out as we didn't do that)
8. 1 Hour to clean them up (with one semi-industrious 20 year old)
And as much work as it was, it was worth every second!!! For the first time, our Christmas truly felt like a celebration of the Birth of our Savior! It was Beautiful!!! Hope you all felt the joy in your hearts of this Christmas Season as we it's onto a Bright New Shiny Year (and a new diet...yeah right!)
Till next time, yinz crazy Christmas guys.........
Posted by Lucy 3 Comments
Monday, December 24, 2007
On this Blessed Night....

Posted by Lucy 4 Comments
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
My baby.....

...that's our very own Eros Caliente "relaxing" for the camera. Don't be deceived by the picture...that head is bigger than you can image....but what a big BABY he is! Definately the sweetest dog ever...well, that I ever had anyway!
And speaking of'll never believe this (in case you read my last post)...but I found the one and only...

Posted by Lucy 7 Comments
Monday, December 17, 2007

Christmas Elf Name
My Christmas Elf Name is

Get your Christmas Elf Name at

Oh....and Sweetie Man's is....

Christmas Elf Name
Sweetie Man's Christmas Elf Name is

Get your Christmas Elf Name at
Thanks for the link, Sue....
Till next time, yinz crazy Christmas Kids.....

Posted by Lucy 3 Comments
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
....I know I haven't been blogging all that much...but I get in such a creative mood this time of the year all I want to do is craft and search for crafts....and well, you get the picture. Anyway, my niece sent me this one from Craft Bits but I took it a step further and found out that the Folgers site actually has the pictures to download in color for the canisters. Check it out....
How cool is that for cookies and such...perfect start drinking that coffee!!!!!!
Till next time, yinz crafty guys......
Posted by Lucy 7 Comments
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Holiday Quiz....
I just can't resist the's one to check your Holiday Mood that I found at Ozarks Sew n Sews.....
Does it surprise you that I'm feeling ELVISH!!!!! (don't answer that!)
Till later, yinz crazy guys.....
Posted by Lucy 2 Comments
Thursday, November 29, 2007
This is so COOOOOL....
My niece sent me this site.....she's addicted and I think I am now too.....ENJOY!!!!
(just click below or on my sidebar)
Till next time, yinz crazy Flakes........
Posted by Lucy 3 Comments
Saturday, November 24, 2007
It's Christmas Time....
Ahhhh...the beginning of a beautiful season....the music, the decorations, the snow (yes we have flakes in the air!) As a matter of fact, the Sweetie Man and I are so excited we are literally.....
Posted by Lucy 3 Comments
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Marley & Me....X 3!!
Okay, I took the plunge....I finally said, "It's now or never". I decided to not crate my two youngest dogs, Eros (The Mastif/Lab combo) and Chloe (Jack Russell/Terrier mix)! Katie has been crateless only because she is older and the only thing she does to amuse herself at night is lick the harm done. (except a wet carpet)
Eros pooping in his crate (because of an overdose of rawhides over the weekend when I left him in the care of Sweetie Man...not that I haven't overdosed him myself) did sorta prompt me to go "crateless" also. (thank you for that, Sweetie Man!) The crates are so big and take up so much space now, leaving me pratically no room to have any sort of Thanksgiving dinner there, that I decided that after a year and half, it's time! I always felt bad putting them in there for long periods of time while I went to work too (even though it is supposedly their comfort zone and they never did complain)...I felt that they were mature enough to have a little freedom!!! WRONG!!!!!!!
Oh, the first night was great!!! No problems....they were quiet as mouses. Nothing was torn, chewed, thrown one was hurt and even during the day when I went to work, they were angels!!! I was sooooo happy...this was was going to be easier than I planned! The second night seemed to start off well also...heard a little magazine activity but I figured, what is one Fingerhut magazine shredded if it keeps them quiet for the night....little did I know it was the beginning of disaster!!!!!
Something came over them...something possessed them when I turned my back! I think they were plotting against me for being gone so long yestereday. As a matter of fact, this is the conversation that I believe took place after the first night in my absence....
Terrier Chloe: We didn't have to be in crates last night....and we were crateless all day long...this is AWESOME!!!
Older Katie: Chloe, what's the big deal...I'm crateless all the time...shut up or I'll hump you and show YOU who's the boss around this house!
Mastif Eros: Anyone see my Kong?
Terrier Chloe: Maybe I actually did something good for once. I think I'll try and do it again and get to go crateless longer. I'll be an Angel dog all do it too, Eros, and maybe we'll get another night of freedom!
Mastif Eros: Okay, Chloe, whatever you sure you didn't see my Kong?
(First night and day....dogs were obedient.....nothing out of order!)
(Second night arrives)
Terrier Chloe: Wow, we're still crateless....I don't even see the crates around.....I think it is not going to matter what we do, we are officially CRATELESS!!! FREEDOM IS OURS!!!!!! LET'S PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And poop inside if we want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mastif Eros: I can't find my Kong anywhere........DID SOMEONE SAY "PARTY"???????
Older Katie: (licking the rug while watching younger dogs destroy the livingroom) I don't think that's a good idea, yinz guys!!! get the idea. Now without further livingroom...after the Party....
First off, the magazine mess....

Well, actually I didn't really need these and they were just sitting around till Sweetie Man went through them....except for the new issue of Word Puzzles...sorry, Sweetie Man! (I did save the top half of the pages though)
Next we two...

Mom, I had nothing to do with this....I told them they shouldn't do this, but they wouldn't listen to me!

And who likes Van Halen anyway....

I wonder if Eros could make the other shoe "toeless for me".......

This remote was making us a's time we exercise a little and walk over to the TV to turn it on....

Well, you get the wasn't pretty! I'm still going crateless but I'm definately going to make the room a little more dog proof!
All toll, the amount of destruction was as follows.......
20 magazine advertisments (fingerhut, etc...)-$ 0.00
(probably a savings since we won't buy anything out of them now)
One pair of ladies dress shoes - $ 20.o0
Son's tennis shoes (he has too many pairs anyway)- $ 35.00
Son's crocks - $ 8.00
One issue of Word Puzzles - $ 6.95
Unknown CDs -$ 20.00
One Van Halen CD - $ (15.95) No Loss
One Remote Control (a late entry) - $ 10.00(?)
(wait, I'm thinking about that...)
OKAY, OKAY............................................PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Till next time, yinz crazy guys....................
Posted by Lucy 15 Comments
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Welcome to the World.....
This is the newest member of our family, my great nephew!!!! OMG.....isn't he absolutely the most perfect little sweetie you have ever seen!!!! He was born November 4, 2007 and came into the world at 8 lbs. 10 oz, 21.5 inches long and perfect in every way! Mommy is doing wonderful and Daddy is very very proud!!!! I am so happy for them!!!! I guess I do tend to get a little excited and overwhelmed when a baby is born, but to me it is the absolute most beautiful awesome event ever!
I do have some pics to show you of finished cross stitches and a little on a great cross stitch retreat I just came back from......but I just had to wait for the first pics of little Owen!!!
So with that said....
Dearest Baby Owen,
May you be healthy and happy for many many years to come, always wanting to explore, learning everything you can on this big home we call Earth, loving your family with all your heart, spreading laughter and joy to everyone you meet, and may you always love and never forget your Heavenly Father who hand picked two incredibly awesome people to be YOUR Mom and Dad!!!
We love you, Baby Owen.....WELCOME TO OUR WORLD!!!
Posted by Lucy 10 Comments
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

How AWESOME is that.....we are all anxiously awaiting the arrival of Baby G and as you can see my niece and her hubby are a little "bored" waiting also...let's just hope we don't have to see a "turkey" on that belly!!!!
Till next time, yinz crazy GHOULS!........
Posted by Lucy 11 Comments
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Hey yinz guys, I found some cool things on the internet that I thought you might be interested in. Maybe you know about this stuff, but it was new to me. Anyway, first off, I was recently introduced to Widgets.....those neat little boxes that sit on your desktop and let you check things out at a glance...anything from an analog clock, to weather, see when new yahoo email comes in, your own little picture frame with your pics that scroll through. You can have an ongoing game of sudoku that you can play throughout the day, keep a "bee" pet.....there are literally thousands that you can put on your desktop. I have a clock, weather and a little devotional with a bible thought for the's actually sorta addicting....just go to and check it out.
Next, I just discovered the new Google Map that is awesome! I was able to travel directly to my house, up and down my street, and look at my house as well as my neighbors. Now these actual pics were probably taken in the Summer sometime as I could see the way the Goose on my porch was dressed, but it was soooo cool. I mean, if I gave you my address (which I didn't plan to by the way), you could find my house and see EXACTLY what my house looks like as well as the surrounding neighborhood.....I was stunned. There is only about ten cities or so that you can actually view but if you are fairly close to one of the listed cities, you may be able to view yours as well..... it was unbelievable. I mean, I went to downtown New York City....Central Park and followed the road in the park online. If you haven't done it, you've got to go to Google and click on the Maps tab.....I believe there is a tutorial that will help you through it....Enjoy that!
Last but not least, I got a Doc appointment today...just my 6 month routine....and I know I had not lost the weight I should have. But as I was looking at some recent pics of myself, I got really mad and figured I would try again....this time with alot of prayer and taking one day at a time. In the process of searching for something else, I fell upon this site You gotta go there....even if you just want to maintain your weight. Alot of these sites cost money, but the basic one here is free (you can upgrade to Gold if you want for a fee). The basic, gives you alot of things to do, for instance, really good online calorie and weight charting, how much water you consumed for the day...and all very easy too. It also has an online diary that you don't have to make public, there is a forum and message board, you can find out how many calories you need to eat to lose or maintain and an exercise chart that gives you really specific calorie burning amounts...even if you are just cleaning house. Hopefully this will be my goal is only 45-50 pounds, so we aren't talking alot here but this could be the key.
Well, now that I found things to keep yinz guys from your work, enjoy the searching and let me know what ya think.....till next time, yinz crazy guys.....
Posted by Lucy 8 Comments
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Google me this, Batman..... that you're all tired of looking at the pig head, I thought I would post something....actually I have no pictures to post yet....still looking to finish off the frame for my cross stitch wedding sampler...almost stay tuned for that.
Oh, about my Title... I'm a big GOOGLE fan.....I go to Google for EVERYTHING!!!! I've taught everyone at work to go to Google for everything!!! 9.75 times out of 10, I find what I'm looking for. Well, tonight I go to my Youth Group at Church...I'm usually just a helper but this week I gotta teach some younger teens.....I'm not a teacher....I can pretend to be a teacher....but technically, I can't control kids....ask my son! (I can't even control my three dogs!)
So, where does one go who must teach for 1/2 hour and doesn't know how to teach????? GOOGLE!!!! And sure enough, I found what I was looking for.
Oh, and what exactly was I looking for? MOSES! Now I believe that humor is the best way to teach just about anything...which is probably why I go to the church I do, cause my Pastor always makes us laugh...ALOT! So, I figured instead of talking, I would let the kids talk....aka, do skits on Moses. So, I plan on giving a little preview on Moses then I found this great skit on what would have happened had Moses had to call 911 Emergency about the Burning Bush....a talking Burning Bush no less. It's a really cute skit, so the kids should have alot of fun with it.
I guess you could say I just added another "Hat" to my already overloaded Hat Rack....that of "Religious Youth Teacher"! Then again, after I make them do this skit......they may never want me to teach them again!
Gotta love that "Google"!!!!
Well, that's what's keeping me busy for, till next time, yinz crazy guys......
Posted by Lucy 5 Comments
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Oink, oink.....
Hey, did I tell yinz, guys we went camping this past weekend? (only about a zillion times!) Anyway, we went camping this past weekend for the last time this season. We did stay in this cute little rental trailer....honest we did...I have the bump on my head (after hitting the top bunk) to prove it! It was really nice....sorta a birthday weekend for the Sweetie Man (by the way...he thanks you for all the good wishes yesterday)
Well, anyway, they had this pig roast and the Sweetie Man loves those and just had to take a picture of the pig...after roasting of course....only cause the head was still there (it's a guy thing)....
Gotta tell ya, it was DELICIOUS!!!! They also had a guy playing the guitar and singing during the picnic and the weather was gorgeous....a PERFECT weekend to say the least.
I did alot of reading and cross stitching the Sweetie Man worked on his laptop. He got this new Photo Shop program and just had to play with it. Let's just say, if the pig picture didn't freak you out, just take a look at the pumpkins in the next picture.... Yep...we're Pumpkin Heads....go figure! He was soooooo excited that he did this! I think his next adventure in photo shop is to put Eros' head on his body!
Well, anyway, that's about it for today....oh, we have a brand new Michael's that just opened about 5 miles from my house...give or take a few! I'm so excited...can't wait to check it out this weekend! I need a frame for my wedding cross stitch so I can show yinz guys finally my two year project! So, you know where I'll be dragging the Sweetie Man on Saturday!!!
Okay, back to the old grind.....till next time, yinz crazy pumpkin heads!!!!!!
Posted by Lucy 9 Comments
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
quite slim you will see
that the love of my life
would love only me
it’s once in billion
a trillion or more
like finding a diamond
along sandy shores
you’re not even looking
you’ve given up hope
you live on an island
then in comes your boat
when pockets are empty
and you have no will
then out on the sidewalk
a ten dollar bill
but chances do happen
things do go your way
someone is saying
"Today is YOUR day"
and then in an instant
“Chance” sounds out the horn
He knew I would need you..
… my Angel was Born.
Posted by Lucy 7 Comments
Saturday, October 06, 2007
The Baby Shower....
As promised, PICTURES! As you know, my lovely niece and her hubby are having a little one in exactly one month from today...if Baby G is on time! Anyway I did manage to get presents there on time for the shower....not that I didn't work frantically in the hotel room prior....
I do work better under pressure tho!
Once finished, I donned my Baby G shirt (that I made of course) and headed off to look for the baby shower with mapquest directions in hand.
First off, I had to bring an authentic Pittsburgh T-shirt so Baby G knows where Great Aunt Lu lives.... Second, was the cross stitch pillow for "Baby G and Mommy......
Here, my lovely glowing niece shows off the ripple baby afghan I crocheted....
And the matching booties....every baby should have a choice of booty colors!
Just for the record, we don't know if Baby G is a girl or a boy, but I certainly will let you know when Baby G makes her/his arrival.
We're camping this weekend for the last time this year...the leaves are falling and starting to change and the sky is a clear blue. The best part is that the temps are perfect...not too hot, not too cold either. We're staying in a little trailer this time that the camp's adorable....I want one!!!!! Maybe when we retire, who knows!
Well, that's about it for now....I finally finished my intense wedding cross stitch that I've been showing you on and off....I'm hoping to frame it this week, take pics for yinz, then send it off to the recepients...finally!
So, enjoy your weekend and take a moment out of your day and check out the awesome fall colors (if you have them)....till next time, yinz crazy guys.....
Posted by Lucy 9 Comments
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
I'm here...
Sorry, yinz guys...I haven't felt much like blogging lately even tho I have things to show you. Why?.... well I'm the sort of person who goes with my "feelings" and lately I've just been feeling really crafty and this happens EVERY year around this time. Needless to say, I've been searching for new things to do, working on old things, rummaging through my crafts, etc.... It's not that I don't like yinz guys, I've just been crafting and thinking crafting. I promise tho that in the next day or so, I'll post some pics for yinz.
We've also been sorta transfering things to our new computer and saving pics and such and I'm not real saavy on this VISTA thingy yet. I'll get there...not to worry.
So, don't count me out yet....till next time, yinz crazy guys....
Oh...almost forgot....
Posted by Lucy 11 Comments
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' 'bout.....
Posted by Lucy 9 Comments
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Monday, September 17, 2007
Something to remember..... when your son calls you from college and frantically tells you that his laptop is broke, he is broke and everytime he goes to the ESPN website, he gets the "blue screen of death" (I actually don't think that website is part of his major)....just remember the above! Ah, you laugh now....but it's the truth!!
"Hope you are enjoying your new laptop, oh wonderful son of mine!!!"
Till next time, yinz crazy guys.....
Posted by Lucy 5 Comments
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Does anyone know....
...where I can buy one of these?????
I could really use one of these right now! I think I may add a stitching area tho...whadda ya think?
Busy with my niece's baby gifts so I can't show yinz anything...sorry....but after the baby shower this weekend, I'll get ya some pics!!!! So off to do more work...
till next time, yinz crazy guys....
Posted by Lucy 7 Comments
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Too cute not to share....
Hey, if any of you know Courtney you may have gotten this in your email....but honestly it is way too cute not to share...(and if doesn't make you smile, then you're having a really poopy day and you may just want to crawl back into bed for awhile..just kidding!) Enjoy...(just click on it!)
Posted by Lucy 7 Comments
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Thought I forgot about ya, didn't ya?
I'm back...the reason I didn't post all week was because my Pastor at The River asked me if he could show the Baptism slideshow at church on Sunday...well I told him I would be honored to have him do that so I figured to make things less complicated, I would just leave that post for awhile. We were away camping for the weekend so I'll have to find out if it worked out for him or not.
Anyway, we had a great time camping as usual but it's back to the real world. I do have to tell you that we have some awesome doggy sitters that left us these little presents when we came home..... We laughed and laughed...then we found out that they left these adorable Meerkats all over our house.....we were finding them everywhere from inside cupboards, freezer, cereal boxes, fireplace....and I'm sure there are many more! It was great because you know when you drive up to your house after a fantastic weekend and you're feeling all blah cause you gotta go back to work...well having these funny little creatures staring at you just made us realize that no matter where we are....we can laugh and have a great time!! So, till next time, yinz crazy guys....
Posted by Lucy 11 Comments
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Our Sunday Baptism...
I hope you you had the time to enjoy the music with the pictures because the song "Baptism" by Kenny Chesney/Randy Travis is absolutely awesome and was so perfect for this incredible Sunday! We are so blessed to know each and every person at The River....the food was delicious, the weather beautiful....and of course, our Baptism...well, the pictures tell it all. Till next time, yinz crazy guys.....God Bless!
Posted by Lucy 13 Comments
Friday, August 24, 2007
In the meantime.....
Hey, yinz guys....while I'm off resting from getting my son off to college, take a moment and enjoy this short video.....this was sent to me and I thought it was pretty cool...ENJOY!
Posted by Lucy 2 Comments
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Tweet, tweet....
You Would Be a Pet Bird |
![]() You're intelligent and witty, yet surprisingly low maintenance. You charm people easily, and they usually love you a lot more than you love them. You resent anyone who tries to own or control you. You refuse to be fenced in. Why you would make a great pet: You're very smart and entertaining Why you would make a bad pet: You're not interested in being anyone's pet! What you would love about being a bird: Flying, obviously What you would hate about being a bird: Being caged |
Posted by Lucy 4 Comments
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Back by popular demand.....
....The BABIES!!! I have had a few requests to show the BABIES who arent' babies anymore. Eros and Chloe are a year old now and Katie is probably hitting nine years now. They aren't the easiest to take pics of as they want to play and look and explore, but I did manage to get a few closeups of my Cuties.
So without further delay.....presenting my Four-Legged Family....
First off is Chloe Nicole, my crazy terrier/mix, aka "howler", teaser, instigator, activities director, picky eater, toy hoarder, protector and all round loveable sweetie pie....
Then there's big 'ol cuddly Eros Caliente, my Mastif/Lab mix, aka slobber-slinger (say that 3 times fast), eater of all food and non-food items, shoe designer (chews them up well enough so they don't look the same way ever again), Chloe-lover, and 120+ pound big sweet bear of a dog....
Yes, his head really is THAT BIG!!!!
Last, but not least my own Katie Sue....the real sweetie of the bunch. Katie probably gets the most disrespect from the human males of the household. She's a Brittany Spaniel mix and has some issues (which the males of the household cannot deal with) some of which include, chasing imaginary lights, licking the carpet and walls, barking at spots. I, on the other hand, see her as my protector as she always lets me know of anyone near the house as well as being EXTREMELY obedient when told to do anything....I just love her to bits...she is very very good and is the Alpha dog of the bunch...and she lets everyone know it too.....
She wanted to bite the camera due to the flashing light which is the reason for the weird angle of the picture...I definately have no worries should I mysteriously be attacked by a hugh ball of light....
Anyway that's the babies (still got to take pics of Echo the cat and Cujo the turtle...but hope this holds yinz guys for awhile as they are not the easiest ones to take pictures of at any given time.
And just so you know that I'm not giving up on my crafts....I'm still working on the wedding cross stitch...every kidding. I did manage to squeeze in a small cross stitch for my son's lady for her birthday but I forgot to take a pic of it. It was a flatfold with the words "Work Hard, Pray Long, and Trust God". Hopefully it will be an incentive for her as she heads off to college. I do have to tell you though that I got a wonderful tutorial for a flat fold from Vonna at the Twisted Stitcher....turned out excellent....thanks, Vonna.
Okay, that's it for now....we'll be taking the kid to college on Friday (whoo-hoo!...sorry didn't mean to sound excited there!). Oh, don't worry, I'll miss him...I promise...sorta! With that all said, till next time, yinz crazy guys.....
Posted by Lucy 7 Comments
Monday, August 13, 2007
We've been Simpsonized!!!
OMG...HOW CUTE ARE THESE! Found it over at Kari's Blog and I just had to do one!! Even did one of the Sweetie Man....

Go get yourself Simpsonized at!
Now much going on here except on Sunday I did have a slight battle with some "evil" forces who were trying to ruin my day....they lost!! Listen to this...Sweetie Man and I were having this fabulous weekend...son is away...we're all alone for a few days...get the pic! Lots of fun...right? Wrong (at least part of Sunday)! We get up Sunday morning getting ready to relax and get ready for church. Our Pastor calls and needs the Sweetie Man's help with something down at problemo, he would go down as soon as he finished shaving...his head! (don't ask!) Anyway, I told him I would drive him the block down and then use the car to pick up the pastries for church and deliver them. So far so good! Except, on my way back home, I locked myself out..sorta. I knew I could get in the back door except I locked the back fence for some strange reason and would have to climb over a 6 ft. fence. I found a small table in my neighbor's yard that I figured I could stand on to help me...didn't work...ground near fence door was not level...not good. Then I figured if I drove the front of the car to the fence door, (without denting the car, of course) I could stand on the hood and hoist myself over or at least try to finagle (is that a scrabble word?) the lock. Got the car in position....went to get a finagle tool. Saw my nice neighbor, who is younger and stronger than me, and asked him if he could jump my fence. He did...ah, I got in!!! Nice guy that neighbor. Anyway, I still had time to get the pastries. Got in the house once the dogs stopped jumping on me in the yard (I really should teach them how to undo the fence lock)only to find the tea I brewed in the iced tea maker leaked all over the counter....someone was definately out to ruin my day! Well, I cleaned that up only to knock over the dog food on the floor as I was putting it in the bowls (luckily Eros was there to help clean that)....still not getting at me you evil guys! Sweetie Man managed to come home in time to get the pastries for me giving me enough time to get ready for us to get to church. The funny part of this is that the sermon for the day was how evil will do anything it can to get to make you lose it and yell and swear and do all sorts of mean and nasty things....Sweetie Man and I just looked at each other and smiled....this time...we won!!! (I have a feeling it's gonna be a little tougher when the son comes back from vacation tho.....oye!) Wish me luck!
With that said.....till next time, yinz crazy guys....
Posted by Lucy 10 Comments