I love yellow...I used to like blue...and sorta like purple....but I LOVE YELLOW!
Was recently in a Yellow Exchange with my Yahoo Group and lo and behold this is what I received from Jeannie...all in this Yellow Bag....

....can you believe this???

...and there was yet more...it wouldn't all fit in the picture!!!

Thanks so much, Jeannie...loved it all...You did an awesome job!!!
Okay...now back to the business at hand....unfinished cross stitching! Well, I am making progress with this owl (sorry the pic is fuzzy!) but this is the second ornie I'm working on from the JCS Halloween mag. (still have to finish the first one into an ornie) The pic in the magazine was nice but when you actually stitch it, it really is a cool ornament!

Till next time, yinz crazy guys....