Knox in box.
Fox in socks.
Knox on fox in socks in box.
Socks on Knox and Knox in box.
Fox in socks on box on Knox.
And with that said....this is my completed FIRST SOCK...ta-da!!!!!

Now there are alot of little boo-boos in it and that toe is certainly not the tightest...but I got the idea of how to make a sock and I've already started on the one a little different in style and colors for the swap which by the way is going very nicely and much easier. I really don't know if I'll make a match to this one since it isn't the most perfect one, but I may make another pair like it for myself. It is a warm sock but I can't seem to quite use the fingering yarn yet. I'd like to try a sport weight next and gradually go to thinner. I can't do 5 dpn yet...this one was only 4 dpn. I've never attempted a round needle yet...but I'll learn...hey, I taught myself to knit and this is really a big accomplishment for me.
So with that ....I'm gonna chill a bit. Most of my work is done with the Kitchen tho I can't show you the pics yet...but I will, not to worry. Oh, and thanks for all the knitting/crocheting tips on how to get more done. You guys are great!
Okay, till tomorrow and my last weekend without my sweetie man as he will be returning next weekend....and I hate to tell you this but....I may have to skip a few days of blogging next weekend.....and ya all know what I'm talkin' about!!!
Okay, till tomorrow...and sleeping in!!!