Where's the pudding? We couldn't figure that one out other than he just didn't make big enough holes and get enough pudding in there. You could taste a little bit of the pudding but that was about it. Either way...it was a delicious cake!!! I personally get a thrill watching him working out one of his ideas!!! Oh, well!
In the craft department, not much to show yinz guys. Been working on this wedding thing and that's about all. Here is where I'm at on it now...This is what it is supposed to look like when it's complete. Actually the outside borders are alot easier than they look believe it or not. The difficult part is the swan area.
I plan on taking it camping this weekend and working on it alot so I'll post my progress when I return on Monday. I'm trying to get all the outside work done by the end of May and work on the scene area (bottom half) through June. That's the part that is really difficult. I ordered these magnifying glasses to place on top of my glasses to help me with it. I currently have this thing that goes around my neck but at times it gets a bit cumbersome if you know what I mean. Just pray I can finish it in time for the wedding!
Well, now we are heading out camping for the weekend. It's a one room cabin (only beds). All cooking is done outside and such. Sorta like tenting except there's a small cabin instead of the tent. Can't wait!!!! Knowing how nervous I am about leaving the dogs in the care of my 19 year old...let alone the house for 4 days....the Sweetie Man came up with this little ditty of a poem. It definately made me laugh at how silly I am for being nervous! So enjoy, yinz guys, and have a great weekend...till next time....

It’s more than a bit overdue
And the thought of the solitude thrills us
Oh, we’re gonna have fun
That’s what we’re gonna do
No matter if doin’ it kills us
We’re leaving behind in the dust
And we swear we won’t be lookin’ back
The son says he’s got the To-Do list
Domestically not one to trust
Here’s hoping he develops the knack
But a roof we’ll enjoy overhead
Alone just us two’s all we’re asking
A cabin of logs ends our journey
No frills, just 4 walls and a bed
And with luck, maybe sun for the basking
And plenty of pop for the drinking
We ask ourselves “What could go wrong?”
A gal pal for those constant reminders
Who’s wondering “What are they thinking?”
Is 2 ½ days really that long?