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Got this one on Nett's Blog! It's perfect for me!! I love sweets. Not so much candy but anything cookie, cake, pastry. So I guess I was born under the sign of the "pastry bag". (okay, it was dumb I know)
Not too much to say tonight. Just did alot of running around today after breakfast at Uncle Bobs (aka Bob Evans) buying some yarn (JoAnn coupons were burning a hole in my pocket) and getting a shower gift for my nephew's future wife for a shower I'll be going to tomorrow.
Yesterday, I did manage to update my bloglines a little, so if you have a moment, see if you are listed. If not, let me know and I'll gladly put ya there.
That's really about it for tonight. Sweetie Man made a delicious Beer-Can Chicken which we had with salad and a couple of homemade oatmeal chocolate chip cookies for dessert. Now it's off to finish a game of Scrabble Deluxe we started last week (They call it Deluxe for a reason...there are a gazillion tiles and the board is almost twice as big as the original) and a little Cops and America's Most Wanted on TV.
So, till next time, yinz crazy guys....