......AND I CAN'T STOP!!!!!!
OMG....what the be-jeebers is going on!!! I normally am not like this!!! I actually want to clean!!!! Maybe it was the combination of my son being away for the weekend and the nice weather!! I got out of work early on Friday, by choice, and that is where the trouble began.....
the Sweetie Man was home so we shopped for garden stuff, curtains, shades, etc....we ate a wonderful dinner at Red Lobster.....went to a Teatime Stitchery, a cross stitch store I wanted to see and bought this stash....
....then we came home and sat on the porch and relaxed. Come Saturday we sorta went Spring Clean CRAZY!!! It was lots of fun tho and the house looks ready for Spring! Even my son complimented it when he came home. I even did some decorating in his room. I actually took the curtains that were in my living room (sheers) and hung them in my son's room then took the original curtains (the checkered print) and turned them into the valance.....I believe in recycling till it's unusable! In the living room I took an old sheet and sorta made a valance out of it after hanging some new curtains and a nice shade.....

That was so sweet of her. These are some items that are on my dream list at Life's a Stitch. Thanks again, Pam!
So just in case yinz guys (KARE!) were wondering where I disappeared to...that was it!
I did manage to do a few crafty things...especially since it was a rainy sorta day on Sunday. I finished this bookmark which I'm going to include as an "extra" in a package being sent.

And I finished another Project Linus edging...

And speaking of PL....my Chapter coordinator sent us all an email saying that she would no longer be doing PL and gave us some lead names to turn blankets into. That's a bummer big time. I got all these fleece blankets she gave me to edge and I gotta take them into Pittsburgh to deliver them. She was like about 5 minutes from my house. Oh, well...gotta do what ya gotta do....I'll keep chugging along on for the kids!
Oh, and I gotta tell ya...I took a small class on self defense for women that was being taught in our City Hall by our Police Officers. It was very interesting to say the least. We got to do alot of hands on sorta stuff...basically beat up on the police officers who wore protective gear. They all know me cause I work in the same building with them...so I had my share of teasing. (they love to tease me cause I'm always playing jokes on them) It was fun and informative! The newspaper is supposed to do an article on it....should be online also so I'll give yinz all the link when it appears. I can't say I wasn't sore for a couple of days after with all the weird moves I learned...but I'm back to normal now...what's normal for me anyway!
And last but not least, one of the days I had to go to the class, my son was nice enough to go down to Pittsburgh and stand in line for an autographed copy of Jodi Picoult's new book, "Nineteen Minutes"....it's #1 on the bestseller list this week.

She's my favorite author! I was bummed that my self-defense class was on the same day but he offered to go for me and get it! (with a little urging from his gal pal) He did have to sit through a question and answer period....but he said when he got it signed, Jodi told him what a good son he was to do that for me....I agree!!!
That's about it for now! It's Spring....it's warm! (though the weather man did mention the "S" word for Wednesday...just a smidgen tho) We are on the right tract tho, weather wise! Now, it's off to do a little crafting and watch the first episode of the Bachelor (love those "cat fights") So, till next time, yinz crazy guys......