You were almost a: Lamb or a Pony
You are least like a: Mouse or a FrogWhat Cute Animal Are You?
Saw this over at someone's blog. I thought it was so cute. I actually took the test and saved it for a later time which is why I forgot where I got it. I just loved this though...who thinks these things up anyway.
I wanted to do a short post since I'm heading to bed. The Sweetie Man and I are getting up early Saturday for a trip to an area of town that does a big yard sale in the whole neighborhood. It's really fun cause people sell hot dogs on grills to eat on the way and pop (that's soda in Pittsburgh-eze) and lots of stuff. It's loads of fun. You park your car and just walk up and down the streets. We also just had our big library book sale of which I spent about $20 on books and magazines. I'll post all of the finds tomorrow for your enjoyment.
Hey the Sweetie Man posted on his blog after a long absence.....go check it out at The Funny Peppers. So till tomorrow.....and the WEEKEND....... Tootle-Lu!