Well, Valentine's day is come and gone and finally Spring is a speck on the horizon...a little more sunny days and warmer weather. Backtracking a little bit, I did manage to have a wonderful Valentine's Day with Sweetie Man even if it was a week later. Made him his very very favorite chocolate pie (His mom's secret recipe). He loved it. Had to take a pic as this one turned out great...perfect meringue.

Then I secretly stitched this little saying for him, padded it and put a little backing on it for him to hang in his office cubicle...along with all the other stuff I stitched for him. They do tease him at work...I love it!!

Also, finished up a HOE swap and received this BEAUTIFUL needlecase from my partner. It actually is my first needlecase I ever owned. She added some petite needles (my favorite) and other goodies....how did she know I'm a lip gloss junkie???

This is what I stitched for my partner. She hasn't a clue who she is getting something from so I'm safe in showing this. Found the pattern on the Creative Poppy website. I love sites where I can just download and start stitching.

So, that's what's been keeping me busy. Finally getting to do some things for me without any deadlines to meet...it's great! Until the weather warms up, I'll be stitching inside in front of the tv with some occasionally treadmill breaks. So, till next time yinz crazy guys.........