....ya haven't heard from me in awhile cause I was sorta on vacation....and one of our stops was this fabulous mansion in Alton IN. It's owner is the uncle of our Pastor. OMG...it was incredible! We got to stay one night here....definately not enough time!
Just to prove I'm telling the truth...this is me in front of the mansion!!!! (and not photoshopped either!)

For all you cooks out there....check out this kitchen!!!!!

I could go on and on here!! There was a guest house, a pool and hot tub, 13 bedrooms and 9 baths and an arcade and theatre in the works!!! And one family occupies this. The great part is that the gentleman who lives here came from nothing to this!!! And now he gives back to those in need....it's an awesome story and an awesome family. It was a sorta side visit on our way to the Willowcreek Arts Conference in Chicago Illinois. Well worth the stop!!
Hey, and the Arts Conference wasn't so bad either....lots of fun there too! All in all, even with the long drive, it was a good time! Constantly on the go....and we got a taste of real Chicago Pizza....mmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
So, that's were I've been yinz guys. At this point in time, my son and his fiance are ripping the carpet out of my house and re-painting some rooms for me (sorta a trade off for room and board). So my house is in a bit of turmoil....it's not easy to always find the computer let alone get to it...know what I mean! So, bear with me here. Not to worry, Jen...I'm still alive!
Till next time, yinz crazy guys....................