Friday, April 20, 2007

Just a little American Idol update...

Just so yinz guys don't think I'm a "meany"......let me clarify my last post. I don't think it was about Sanjaya himself. He was a cute kid who I thought was good in the beginning and had potential. I was more upset about the people who were leading the "vote for the worst singer" websites and the Howard Sterns of the world (should be How-weird!) who were making fun of him, encouraging people to vote for the worst singer and in turn keeping good singers from progressing. (and my gut feeling was that Sanjaya knew what was going on as the show continued because he too would go a little off the wall some weeks) The one week he sang good, I was actually happy for him cause it showed that he possibly was no longer part of the "worst singer" conspiracy. I would have loved to see him sing good and "make the little girls cry" as he did a couple of weeks. So, I didn't dislike him.....and I can't believe him and his family didn't believe they were doing nothing but making fun of was sad. I don't like to see that. Now that he's gone, there won't be anymore "making fun of"....we don't need to be teaching our kids that sorta stuff. I wish him the best of luck and don't worry...he'll get a record deal! (I'm rambling here, arent' I....I think I have too much time on my hands!) Till tomorrow....yinz crazy guys...