Yessiree....all just a little too perfect. The stockings were hung by the chimmney with care.....with a gate 'round the tree, the dogs didn't care! Life was good....presents were bought.....nothing left to do but enjoy the holidays........
That is until........"dun, dun, dun, duuuuuuuuun.......
....this seemingly harmless piece of plastic entered our lives.......

This piece of plastic that is reeking havoc in my once beautiful Christmas home!!!!!!
Looks harmless, doesn't it???? Oh, but it is until it turns into this.................

It seems that our sweet little Chloe, who last week endured the pain of having her womanly parts removed (a.k.a. spayed) is now having to put up with an E-collar and antibiotics. Poor little thing....BUT, because my furry little babies do not understand English (yet) they do not understand the reason for the E-collar. Katie the older dog could really care less (she's more interested in licking my tattoo which I avoid at all costs and Chloe's incision) but Eros, the mastador, thinks his best buddy has a fun toy around her neck...not good!!! Chloe's activity level (ultra-high) has caused her to have swelling in the stitched up area of her belly and when I wasn't looking, she's been picking at it despite my t-shirt contraption I rigged up on her (unbeknownst to my son whose undershirt she was wearing!). Anyway, till December 28, Chloe must wear this horrible collar. Not only does she constantly run into things, she cannot navigate up or down the stairs nor can she fit into her crate which causes another dilemma....where does she sleep? Eros will cry if her crate is not within viewing distance of his so I constructed a gated area between my diningroom table and my bookshelves next to his crate and covered like a tent. This is just nuts! When I brought her home from the doc yesterday, I started crying on the phone to Sweetie Man cause all the dogs where confused and crazed over this son was laughing cause he said it made her look like a space alien! Plus, at the end of the evening, I have to somehow manage to put a warm compress on her incision to help with the swelling....yeah, right! I did manage to do it for a whole 3 minutes yesterday...woo-hoo!
I guess things could be worse....I can make light of it now cause I'm getting things a little organized with who goes outside when and such and if it makes Chloe better than I'll do it, cause they are my babies and I love 'em! And hey...if worse comes to worse, I can always put Chloe on the roof and see if I can get free satellite TV! Till tomorrow, yinz guys!