For some reason I getting into this altered art kick so you may start seeing some glimpses of things in between the regular crochet and cross stitch stuff. This first one is an altered paper doll I had to actually make then dress with velcro clothes. I really liked her. These aren't altered but they are some dotees I received. The first is a St. Pat's Dotee, the second is the I love (blank) Dotee and in this case my swap partner loved pink. And the last one is another Mermaid Dotee.
Next, been in a crocheting mood so I made Sweetie Man a Ear Flap Hat and some Fingerless Gloves. So many free patterns on the internet for both of these items.

I started an altered art journal with things and pages that I was feeling at any given moment. Here are a couple of pages I started.

And I'll end my post today with the mother of all icicles that I've seen so far. Needless to say I did not venture anywhere near this one.....
So till next time, yinz crazy guys........