Contrary to popular belief...not THIS....

THIS, however, is an INCHIE!

What an awesome way to use up just about anything little...teenie tiny masterpieces. (not to mention great for kids and their little fingers) My creativity is just hummin' with these....I'm itchin' to inchie! (say that three times!)
Just google "Inchie" under images and you will come up with "yards" of them (get it....inch...yard...never mind!)
Anyway, I do scrap book some and of course I love the I can make use of all the leftovers from these projects!!! (I love to recycle...ask my niece) Not to mention using old cereal boxes that you've been saving the cardboard for (come on, you know you do that) and magazines that pile up. I just love looking at art of any kind....I think it releases "happy things" in my brain...what's left of it anyway.
To get you started....check out this TUTORIAL tho I'm sure there are quite a few more if you need one. I'm gonna get INCHIN this weekend and I'll let you know what I come up another Dotee is looming in my mind.
So, get your "feet" going and maybe do it in the "yard" with the warm weekend coming up, if you live in my area, and start "inchin"....till next time yinz crazy guys!