POURS!!! My little sentence yesterday which pretty much described my yesterday is much better today...other than I let a box of Christmas decos fall in my face, punching me in the nose and causing it to bleed. But I'm okay now...not to worry!Everything that made me rant and rave is still around but I'm just dealing with it better. For instance (and I promise I won't drag this story out)....the laptop that was sent out for repair is missing in action....gone...zip...zilch!!! No one seems to know where it is.....then again, I could not understand the broken English of those whom I was speaking too when I was trying to find out why we don't have it back. So, needless to say, that was aggravation on top of aggravation! I'm sure the person/people on the phone were getting just as aggravted at me for constantly saying, "I'm sorry...could you repeat that...I don't undertand what you said!" Maybe someone else could make out broken English.....but I'm really bad at that.....I can barely make out good English! Anyway....the laptop is in limbo somewhere and I'm just going to have the Sweetie Man deal with it cause I'm through! I tried!
Okay, with that out of the way, someone did ask me where I got my snowflakes for the blog. I got them at the website Dynamic Drive. Check it out....if I can do it, anyone can!
Okay, now onto to cross stitch that I promised on the Cal Pal site I would show....I just get in these moods and go with it. Anyway, this first piece I started a couple of years or so ago....I sorta got sidetracked with a quilt that I decided to give as a gift so I may finish this piece for an upcoming wedding. It's very detailed with pearls and some stitches I'm not familiar with, but I love a challenge and it's actually not going to bad. I'll continue this one after the holidays.This is an ongoing cross stitch that I want to have hanging in our pepper kitchen. It's very easy and I love the colors in it...another after the holidays project. It's not slanted I just took the picture wacky....
This one I've been doing forever and the colors on this are fabulous!!! So bright and vibrant! I really can't wait till I finish this one someday...soon I hope!
And this, my friends, is my Christmas project! It is going to be awesome. After taking this picture I can really see the image coming out. For those of you who don't know my dog story, one of my puppies, Eros (1/2 lab/1/2 mastif), came from my next door neighbor whose full British Mastif mated with the full black Lab...hence our cutie adorable 60 pounds and growing 4 1/2 lb. Mastador. Anyway, I want to give my neighbor (same one whose helping plan the tattoo party) the picture of the Mommy (British Mastif) who looks exactly like the completed cross stitch. It will be sorta like "To Momma Lily from your son, Eros"! I'm so excited about this one and I've been working on it daily! I did screw up a row in the face and I can't for the life of me find it to frog it so I'm just letting it go and try to work with it. If you have any other ideas, or if this has happened to you, let me know...misery loves company and it is bugging the heck out of me cause I tend to be a perfectionist with this stuff...
Anyway...thats about it for tonight. I was crocheting a little tonight also working on some kitchen scrubbers that are crocheted around to look like flowers...Annie's Attic Daily pattern. So I'm doing a little of everything I guess. Well, hope you enjoyed my long post and the pics. I'll keep you updated on the cross stitch progress also. If you want to know where some of the above patterns came from, I'll be glad to be of service to you. I have an awesome cross stitch store right in town...the kind that you walk in after not being there a year and they remember your name. I love it! Now I'm off to read and cross stitch and sleep....So till tomorrow, yinz crazy guys......
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
When it rains it.......
Posted by Lucy 7 Comments
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