...so bring it on Ravens!!!!! Third time is charm!!! And thanks to VIK, I was able to use my limited knitting abilities and create this Steeler Korknisse! How cute is he????
And no female Steeler fan is complete with her very own set of Steeler fingernails!!! I love these!!! (they are mine...acrylic mine anyway!)

We only left the house this weekend to go to church so Sweetie Man and I just enjoyed staying in on Saturday and Sunday, he making dessert empanadas (empanadas with his own concoctions inside like "banana nut" and "chocolate pineapple" fillings) and me crafting. I did alot of cross stitching getting a good headstart on these Just Another Button Company teapot patterns from 2008. Check out all the months
HERE. Okay, I told my yahoo group I wasn't going to do a month by month, but these little guys are just so cute and they have a bunch of buttons on them when completed. There is even a noah's ark teapot for one of the months with little button animals. This one is going to be a snowman for January.

Going back to the Korknisse ornies...this one was my first attempt. They are rather little working on #3 dpns but I thought they made good use of wine corks and I'm all for recycling even if it means I have to drink more wine just to get the corks...woo-hoo!!! If you want to make your own, check out the pattern

I can't show you what I was also crocheting this month yet but I have been working on and off this afghan which I showed a long while back...I'm about half way done with it. Don't you just love the colors in this?????? It's called the RAINBOW WAVES AFGHAN and the pattern is

I don't think I ever showed this completed ornie from Christmas. I had cross stitched an ornie for each of my dogs and my cat from the Brittercup collection. So, when my son and DIL brought in their chocolate lab (my grand-dog), I just had to make one for him. I used brown instead of the usual black as you can see.

See, I told you I was doing alot of stuff this weekend. My laundry is still in the dryer but what a great weekend I had. I really needed a weekend where I just did a bunch of crafting....we didn't get the 3-6 inches of snow we were supposed to get but hey, I don't have to dig out my car like some of yinz guys so I'm a happy camper. With that said, stay warm.....and have sweet thoughts of Steeler victories, yinz guys.....till next time!