I'm here....just couldn't get the darn pics uploaded from the camera. I finally did so now sit back and enjoy cause I got lots to show you.
First off is our precious new grandson (my step-grandson) with his bib that I cross stitched for him. Isn't he absolutely adorable? Next it was my great nephew's 2nd birthday and being as he loves trucks soooooooo much I had to make one of this blankets...this material was just calling his name!
I was so bummed as I mis-placed our 50+ year old manger scene. It's somewhere in this house but with the kids moving in then out, it got put elsewhere. So I came up with this quickie one made of glass blocks and manger scene silhouettes from sticky paper. Saw this on the web somewhere and thought it was very clever. I did it in an evening.
I was in an ornament exchange and this is the ornament I sent. It's the second time I made it and it's from a very old magazine from the 80's. I just love it even tho it takes forever to make.
Did I tell you it was my birthday last Wednesday (9th)? I had a dear friend of mine bake me a cake which I took to my stitching group that night. Check out the needle and thread. It was sooooooo delicious!!

Well, that's it for now. Back to more cross stitching and crocheting for Christmas. I love this time of year for crafting. I wish I would start earlier (like January) doing this for the holidays so everyone I know could have something homemade from me....but yinz guys know how that goes. Till next time....