I guess I will begin with surprises I got in the mail. First of course there are all the wonderful granny squares from a Cal Pal I belong to....but we'll go into detail on that with pics when I've got all the squares where they should be.
Second.....my secret one skein pal sent me this awesome chunky alpaca yarn.....it is sooooooooo soft and look at that luscious color.... I'm going to start checking out my pattern stash for this gem. I really don't have that much chunky yarn and this will definately be used. Thank you, Pal!!!
Next, The Great Bookmark Exchange pal, Esta from Australia, sent me this GREAT GREAT package!
I was so thrilled with it. I've already drank some of the tea,(which was delicious), read a chapter from the book (which is right up my alley being a avid Court TV fan!), the little Koala Beer is hanging by my computer, and ....ohhhhhhhh.....I just loved this package!!!! (The coffee is going to work with me for when I cannot stay awake...which is alot!) All she had to send was a book and bookmark but she sent all of this! She made the bookmark I admired in one of my two favorite colors...purple....and it's a Butterfly...and we all know how much I LOVE Butterflies! And of course, who wouldn't want the fluffy soft yarn as well as stickers (which I'm starting to scrapbook again) and a postcard from Melbourne. Esta, you were waaaaaayy to generous......thank you so much!
My weekend was filled with alot of different things so I think I'm going to spread it out over the week but I will give you a "taste" of what we had for dinner one night....a favorite of mine made by none other than Chef Sweetie Man.....Beer Can Chicken! If you never had it.....oh, man, are you missin' out! The juiciest chicken ever!!!! You can buy those holders at Walmart and just do what it says adding your own touches! Google "Beer Can Chicken Recipes" for a start! There is probably a way to do it with a homemade holder too.
Okay...that's it for tonight. Update on Chloe.....well, I let her and Katie (our 7 year old dog) run loose together in the yard. They did pretty good. Chloe of course wanted to play alot and Katie played a little. They chased each other, they sniffed each other......Katie made it known that she is the boss and Chloe was okay with that. It was fun watching them. I'll have to take some pics soon. As for the newborns next door....there were officially 11 born but the mom accidentally laid on one....so now there are 10. I saw one......they are actually too cute to take a picture of.....go figure.....OMG!!!! But not to worry, I will soon enough.
Okay, gonna head on up to bed. Four more days till vacation (yes, again!) so my mind is sorta on what needs to go with us. So till tomorrow.........tootaly-lu! (I just made that up!)
Monday, July 24, 2006
Where to begin?
Posted by Lucy 4 Comments
Don't PANIC!
Don't panic...I'm still alive! With the weather cooling down this weekend, we've just been enjoying the outside so I really wasn't nor did I want to be inside on the computer! I'll post later this evening with some pics.....stay tuned!!!
Posted by Lucy 1 Comments
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