We got a Hobby Lobby...we got a BIG Hobby Lobby! I've been waiting for one of these stores to open near us for a very long time and finally my wish came true. I even emailed their headquarters once and asked why there wasn't one in PA. At that time they were only building so far out from their headquarters. So now we have one and I love it! We have Michaels, JoAnns and Pat Catans...but Hobby Lobby is my fav.
As a matter of fact, I was so excited, I even did a watercolor of it...crazy, I know.

Also, was in a Fall Pynkeep with the HOE bloggers. Received this beautiful pynkeep from my partner. It's Bent Creek's Pumpkin Farm. The trim on this is so so pretty.

This is the one I sent out to my partner. It's the Heart in Hand Seasonal Birds for Fall using overdyes.

And lastly, forgot to show this in the post I did on Barbie outfits. While I was crocheting on vacation, I whipped up this lighter cover/carrier for the lady of the house. She was complaining that she always loses her lighter so hubby suggested I make her something to hook onto her purse or whatever. I just sorta tweeked the pattern I have for my chapstick cover that I love and is lasting forever, by the way.