We had an exhausting exhilarating exciting weekend!!!! And our bones are feeling it too! Our weekend was called "Church without Walls" and what it consisted of was canceling church services for the weekend.....and instead, going out into the community and giving of ourselves and our time! We all wore purple t-shirts that read, "I don't go to church...I AM the church!" Everyone gave a few hours of time between Saturday and Sunday to projects such as cleaning up trash in the downtown area as well as weeding near the railroad tracks. Some worked right at the church itself cutting down trees and painting windows or working on the Kids Kloset (clothes donation.) The Sweetie Man and I chose to work at the local Massa Harbison Park (aka...the site of the Girl Scout Little House). Take a minute and read a short story about Massy Harbison and her connection to our community.
Anyway, we were elected to "sling mud" from one of four park pavilions in the area. For a sneak peek at our fun weekend, check out the pics below....
First off is Sweetie Man and myself shoveling mud and cleaning the floor of a pavilion.... That's Sweetie Man using the blower to clean up what was left after shoveling.....
Even the kids worked ........
and played................
The Mayor of our City even worked, probably harder than most everyone.....
That's me and my pastor who was digging a trench to keep the mud off the pavilion we just shoveled out.....WHEW!
We're actually not permitted to burn in the City limits, but hey....we had the Mayor working with us....
It was truly an incredible weekend. There's a great log cabin on the property also that I remember having sleep overs with the Girl Scouts when I was little...we used that for breaks and lunch...which was needed for all.
Actually, that wasn't all to my weekend....give me a couple of days to rest up and I'll let you know what I did on Sunday (does 7 hours of cross stitching sound fun???? It was!)
Till next time, yunz crazy guys.....
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Great Exhausting Weekend...
Posted by Lucy 7 Comments
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