I love to change the wallpaper on my phone and I actually have a great app for that....this happens to be the current image on my phone.
A couple of times I was tempted to use it but resisted the urge as I can't afford a new phone right now. Think I would be safer cutting it out and taping it to a pillow tho.
Okay...onto bigger and better things. Saw this tutorial on making a zipper bracelet and decided to make one. I just love it. Turns out there are alot of things you can make with zippers. So if you are interested....just google "zipper crafts or zipper bracelets" and you can do it too with the zippers off those old pair of jeans that don't fit you any longer. I gave this one to my niece but plan on making one for myself.

It was full of antiques and chocoloate and smoked oysters (we know what those do to you now, don't we??) and candles and tea and a tea pot and all sorts of goodies.

We plan on taking it all with us when we have our little cabin get-a-way in a month.....those candles will do wonderful around the hot tub, don't ya think???
Short post, but I will finish off with our little squirrel buddy who comes up on the porch twice a day for his daily nuts. This time I managed to get him to take it off of my shoe. He was so cute.