What are these, you ask? They are mini ort catchers. Someone in my cross stitch group had one and I couldn't find it online so I measured hers and made one of my own. One turned into two, into three.....and next thing you know, my LNS wanted to sell them. I started off with only nine but I am anxious to try different combos with all the fabric scraps I have. They measure about 3 X 5 on the base and have a pincushion and a little detachable bag. I'm hoping to sell them on my etsy shop soon.....I'll let you know so keep an eye out if you are interested. And did anyone get these yet???? OMG...this is the highlight of my cross stitch year....I love these mags when they come out. I liked last year's Halloween one better as it had more things my style, but the Christmas one is fantabulous!!!
I was in a swap for polymer clay that could only be around one inch. I decided to make some charms and this is what I came up with. It's was fun....I love playing with that stuff.
And lastly...I think I've been possessed by Julie Childs. I've been wanting to bake and cook. Tho hubby loves to cook, he is so enjoying this new me. Thought I would show you one of my desserts. Very simple yet delicious. Angel Food cake with Cool Whip and strawberries in the middle and all around. It was so good! I also discovered the Kraft Food website. Wow....it is so for people like me who don't really enjoy cooking but would like to, if that makes any sense. The best one is the 1 in 5 meals....one bag of groceries gives you five meals. I'm trying that this week. Very simple if you want good meals but don't have the time to make them...(cause you're crafting).