Okay...I forgot my Photo Hunters pic on Friday like I promised! The weather has been so awesome here that I just haven't been on the computer. I'll do better this week!!! I also forgot to give you Stacy's blog site in the last post where she sent me all the awesome Kitchen stuff. So when you have a moment, check out Zing's Things. (Sorry Stacy...I forgot!) I took a vacation day on Friday and the Sweetie Man and I spent an awesome day in the 'burgh at the Strip District buying fish and enjoying the beautiful weather. Saturday we went shopping for plants for the garden and Sunday he planted...I sorta helped. But I must tell you, because our loveable dogs are so much bigger and much more curious this year, we had to build this fort to keep them out. Every hour or so, as they tried another way to get to the plants, we kept adding onto the fortress till we finally finished with this.....
Not very attractive, but we are hoping to keep them out....actually it's Eros who is the more curious....and with his weight, what Eros wants....Eros will find a way to get!!! (and, of course, the culprit, Mr. Sweet and Innocent.......yeah, right!)
Oh, and I can't forget the add-on to my butterfly tattoo that I got on Saturday (a sort of early Mom's day present)....it's still healing so it's still red and sore....but the end result will be beautiful....
The add-on was the butterfly bush in the background. I love it.
And I did go to my "pin and tap" class at the cross stitch store nearby. Now that was informative...best $5.00 I spent in a long time. This was a sample that we worked on...not a real cross stitch. Those little sequins pins are put in all around then gently tapped in with a hammer. The result is a nice tight fit around the foam board with no creases. The back is then taped with a fabric tape.
My stitching gru, Donna, also went a step further and showed us exactly how she frames the cross stitch piece. If we do this procedure of pin and tap before taking it to the frame store, we can basically just pay for the cost of the frame. Great class. You may possibly be able to find how to do this on the web...I really haven't searched it though. I'll be going back to the store on Wednesday evening for my first "stitch-in" night with about 14 other people. I've never been to one, so I'm sure I'll get to meet alot of people with the same passions as I have.
Well, that's about all for today....another beautiful day here, sunny and 72 degrees......I love Spring!!!! I'm still reading everyone's blog whether I leave comments or not....so keep on keepin' on! Till next time, yinz crazy guys.....
Monday, May 07, 2007
I forgot.....
Posted by Lucy 9 Comments
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