I couldn't wait to show all this stuff but I had to wait till my niece's family received it all as I know she reads my blog. Her and I are the family crafter's and love to create stuff for each other as well as share crafts. I love it. The problem is is that I find something to make her or her family and then I keep finding things. (already working on the next holiday) This is the reason they didn't get any of their Christmas gifts till last week....I called them New Year's gifts. Please excuse my pictures....taken with the phone on my camera.
So without further adieu, let's get started.
First off, I stitched and framed two cross stitches for her adorable children....matching birth announcements. One for a boy and one for a girl. Stitched them on 28 ct. antique white monaco. The patterns are from The Cross Stitcher magazine, the February 2010 and the April 2010 issues. I learned how to frame using the pin and tap method, so that was part of the fun.

My niece loves penguins so I found these adorable penguin coasters on Ravelry made from crochet cotton. I varied the eye colors just for fun. These were super easy and fast to crochet.
I'm addicted to fingerless gloves and there are so many free patterns to google. I just picked one out and did it. So many styles too. I want to try all of them.
Made this hat for my niece's hubby. It's made from a supper soft alpaca blend I found at Michael's. I'm still a beginner knitter so this pattern is one I got from the internet awhile back from someone's blog....it's call one flat had on #10 straight needles. I knitted a few of these already. Basically start off with 68 stitches, 1 and 1/2 rib stitching then stockinette stitch till about 5 and 1/2 inches long. Then start decreasing every other row at each end till about 4 stitches left. Gather and sew seam. That's the pretty quick version from what I remember of the pattern....you may have to adjust here and there to fit. This hat is really nice looking and fast for even a beginning knitter like me.
The headwraps are another pattern that there are a million online free patterns and it's just a matter of what one you like. Ravelry has alot....and for those of you who haven't joined Ravelry (free to sign up)...you are definately missing out on alot of great free and pay for patterns by many talented people who contribute to it. I've found so much there. The gray one is for mommy and the white one is for baby. (I just basically used a smaller needle and cut down the stitches for the smaller one)
This is my head wrap. This is yet another pattern I found and I'm in the middle of making another one I found online. As I said there are a ton out there. Just "google" it. I like these cause they don't mess my hair up as in a whole hat but are very warm.
So that's about it for now. I'm trying to keep up on my promise to post my updates, finishes or not finishes once a week. So far so good....so till next time, yinz crazy guys...