This is the first time I've done an exchange with the SBEBB group and tho I cannot show you a pic of what I sent (one, because the receiver hasn't received it yet and two, because the pic I took was crazy bad) but I can show you the lovely scissor fob I received from Carol....
The stitching is perfect and so tiny. Thank you, Carol.
Next is a great Halloween pinkeep exchange with my Yahoo Group. This one from Dawn. The fabric is sooooo it. Check out the little froggie she included.

I messed up my pic of the pinkeep I sent. I'm so bummed. Cathy, the recipient, took a much better pic on her blog, so hop on over and see what is really looks like.

I've been promising you pics of the 7 hour stitch marathon I went to a few weeks ago. So much much stuff to many freebies...and a great lunch. No wonder there is a waiting list. It was blast.

Okay....I know Halloween is over, but I just had to include a couple pics of the crazy people I live with. My son was a gangster and Sweetie Man insisted on sitting outside to greet the 12 halloweeners we had that visited us. This was the first time in many years that we had a city-wide trick or treat night (mostly it was done by neighborhoods) which is the reason for the low turn out. My DIL is the one who did his makeup....I insisted he remove it before going to bed tho...UGH!