Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Addendum to "Happy Heart Day"!

I just had to share this with you. After my last post, I spoke with the Sweetie Man who kept asking me if we had gotten our newspaper at work yet. I said I wasn't sure and kept on talking. Well, it finally hit me that the Sweetie Man just may have put a little something in the newspaper for me...and sure enough, he did....

Isn't that the best......and unlike's non-fattening!!!
The story behind it is that I wear Windsong cologne and he wears Royal Copenhagen....I guess we sorta associate those scents with each other. The verse in the heart is different song titles familiar to us and the last verse is a phrase from the movie "Fools Rush In"....a romantic comedy that we both enjoyed.
I guess the most romantic part of this is that in 2000 when we were first together, he did the same sort of thing in the newspaper but with songs that were meaningful to us back to see the heart in the newspaper again after all these years really was something special to me. The first heart I made into a pillow and gave it to him on our second Valentine's Day together.....

So, just in case yinz guys were feeling sorry for me cause I was spending my Valentine's Day with 3 dogs and a pot pie.....DON'T....I wouldn't trade my SWEETIE MAN for anything......and even tho he thinks I mention him too much in this blog....too bad......Happy Valentine's Day, Sweetie Man...."Till This Weekend, YOU CRAZY GUY" (wink!)

Happy Heart Day!

Well, unfortunately, Valentines Day has been slightly overshadowed by the incredibly bad weather (snow, sleet, rain, ice, and more snow) we've been having, so Sweetie Man and I will just have to wait till the weekend to celebrate..(wink!)
In the mean time, enjoy your day with someone who loves you....mine will be with my three puppies!(Eros already gave me my gift this morning and ate part of a cook book....I'll have to have a serious talk with that boy!). Oh, yeah...and take this here quiz.....till next time, yinz crazy valentines.....

Your Candy Heart Says "Hug Me"

A total sweetheart, you always have a lot of love to give out.
Your heart is open to where ever love takes you!

Your ideal Valentine's Day date: a surprise romantic evening that you've planned out

Your flirting style: lots of listening and talking

What turns you off: fighting and conflict

Why you're hot: you're fearless about falling in love