Thursday, September 13, 2007

Does anyone know....

...where I can buy one of these?????

I could really use one of these right now! I think I may add a stitching area tho...whadda ya think?
Busy with my niece's baby gifts so I can't show yinz anything...sorry....but after the baby shower this weekend, I'll get ya some pics!!!! So off to do more work...
till next time, yinz crazy guys....


Anonymous said...

HA! That's too funny Lucy.

Mimi said...

Whoever comes up with something like that :D
I would like my computer and my crafting area in my car ;)

Anonymous said...

Your entire blog is WAY TOO CUTE! (((((HUGS))))) sandi

Anonymous said...

Hah!!! This is ever so cool! I want one too! ;)))

Ms K said...

Oh, Lucy!
(it's me, Kare)

Anonymous said...

LOL! Too funny. I could use one of those too!

Anonymous said...

All I want to know is if it vibrates too :)