Wednesday, October 31, 2007


(my soon to be born great niece/nephew!)

How AWESOME is that.....we are all anxiously awaiting the arrival of Baby G and as you can see my niece and her hubby are a little "bored" waiting also...let's just hope we don't have to see a "turkey" on that belly!!!!
Till next time, yinz crazy GHOULS!........


Stacy said...

So cute! :)

LG said...

Very funny!
Happy Halloween!

Michelle-ozark crafter said...

LOL! That is adorable!

Anonymous said...

Happy Boo Day to you too. Cute pumpkin. Saw a another lady do that once. The pumpkin head had a foot print on it.

ollie1976 said...

That's hilarious!

Kare said...

Love it!

The Silver Thistle said...

Hahahaha!! Now THAT'S cute!!! lol

CritterLady62 said...

Wow! I'd forgotten how big you actually get. I hope she delivers soon!

Anita said...

Haha! So cute!!

Anita said...

The baby's first Halloween Costume!!

Anonymous said...

LOL! That's so cute! Hopefully they won't have to wait much longer.