Thursday, November 08, 2007

Marley & Me....X 3!!

Chapter 1


Okay, I took the plunge....I finally said, "It's now or never". I decided to not crate my two youngest dogs, Eros (The Mastif/Lab combo) and Chloe (Jack Russell/Terrier mix)! Katie has been crateless only because she is older and the only thing she does to amuse herself at night is lick the harm done. (except a wet carpet)
Eros pooping in his crate (because of an overdose of rawhides over the weekend when I left him in the care of Sweetie Man...not that I haven't overdosed him myself) did sorta prompt me to go "crateless" also. (thank you for that, Sweetie Man!) The crates are so big and take up so much space now, leaving me pratically no room to have any sort of Thanksgiving dinner there, that I decided that after a year and half, it's time! I always felt bad putting them in there for long periods of time while I went to work too (even though it is supposedly their comfort zone and they never did complain)...I felt that they were mature enough to have a little freedom!!! WRONG!!!!!!!
Oh, the first night was great!!! No problems....they were quiet as mouses. Nothing was torn, chewed, thrown one was hurt and even during the day when I went to work, they were angels!!! I was sooooo happy...this was was going to be easier than I planned! The second night seemed to start off well also...heard a little magazine activity but I figured, what is one Fingerhut magazine shredded if it keeps them quiet for the night....little did I know it was the beginning of disaster!!!!!
Something came over them...something possessed them when I turned my back! I think they were plotting against me for being gone so long yestereday. As a matter of fact, this is the conversation that I believe took place after the first night in my absence....

Terrier Chloe: We didn't have to be in crates last night....and we were crateless all day long...this is AWESOME!!!
Older Katie: Chloe, what's the big deal...I'm crateless all the time...shut up or I'll hump you and show YOU who's the boss around this house!
Mastif Eros: Anyone see my Kong?
Terrier Chloe: Maybe I actually did something good for once. I think I'll try and do it again and get to go crateless longer. I'll be an Angel dog all do it too, Eros, and maybe we'll get another night of freedom!
Mastif Eros: Okay, Chloe, whatever you sure you didn't see my Kong?

(First night and day....dogs were obedient.....nothing out of order!)
(Second night arrives)

Terrier Chloe: Wow, we're still crateless....I don't even see the crates around.....I think it is not going to matter what we do, we are officially CRATELESS!!! FREEDOM IS OURS!!!!!! LET'S PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And poop inside if we want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mastif Eros: I can't find my Kong anywhere........DID SOMEONE SAY "PARTY"???????
Older Katie: (licking the rug while watching younger dogs destroy the livingroom) I don't think that's a good idea, yinz guys!!! get the idea. Now without further livingroom...after the Party....
First off, the magazine mess....

Well, actually I didn't really need these and they were just sitting around till Sweetie Man went through them....except for the new issue of Word Puzzles...sorry, Sweetie Man! (I did save the top half of the pages though)
Next we two...

Mom, I had nothing to do with this....I told them they shouldn't do this, but they wouldn't listen to me!

And who likes Van Halen anyway....

I wonder if Eros could make the other shoe "toeless for me".......

This remote was making us a's time we exercise a little and walk over to the TV to turn it on....

Well, you get the wasn't pretty! I'm still going crateless but I'm definately going to make the room a little more dog proof!

All toll, the amount of destruction was as follows.......

20 magazine advertisments (fingerhut, etc...)-$ 0.00
(probably a savings since we won't buy anything out of them now)

One pair of ladies dress shoes - $ 20.o0

Son's tennis shoes (he has too many pairs anyway)- $ 35.00

Son's crocks - $ 8.00

One issue of Word Puzzles - $ 6.95

Unknown CDs -$ 20.00

One Van Halen CD - $ (15.95) No Loss

One Remote Control (a late entry) - $ 10.00(?)

(wait, I'm thinking about that...)

OKAY, OKAY............................................PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Till next time, yinz crazy guys....................


Netter said...

Oh dear....and that is why my Mom never wants pets in her house. She'd freak. lol, you have patients of steel and a great sense of humor.

Kare said...

Oh Lucy! I am laughing so hard here!

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

Oh my...I hate to laugh...but I really am....LOL!
That's just terrible and the one with the picture of one of the naughty doggies in well....that's just too much! LOL!

Anonymous said...

oh my! They really had a "fun" time at their party. Yikes, they put those teenagers out there to shame. Love the "innocent" look in the one picture.

Ranae said...

OMG! What a mess. I would have surley lost it.
Thanks for the smile.... it was you and not me, lol.
Just kidding!!
Good Luck!!

stitcherw said...

Oh my, they did have a party didn't they. Maybe they have it out of their system now and they'll calm down? Well you can hope. However, overall you're right, having them in your life is a wonderful blessing. Enjoy them while you have them. Although, doggy proofing might make it a little happier. Isn't it amazing what they'll try and chew on sometimes though, who would have guessed a TV remote or a CD would even be tempting.

ollie1976 said...

OMG! Wow. Speechless down here in NC! I can't imagine it would be Eros at all! :)

Jan said...

Silly girl! I never crated a dog until I got Bill. I don't care if he hits 200 pounds (and he will), I think I'll have a crate to contain his rascilly bee-hind. In fact, my youngest two boys are 21 and 19 and I'm thinking of crating them.

Bill would love to play with Eros someday!

Name: Vicki said...

It's hard to type - I'm laughing so hard!! I would die if my 3 pulled something like that! Hope they settle down and learn to leave things alone! Have fun!

Kare said...

Is there a chapter 2?
; )

LG said...

Dear Lucy! You made me laugh! I can imagine the Party they had, the babies... But we love them, don´t we?

Anita said...

Oh no! I have never crated a dog, so I don't know what mine would have done when faced with freedom for the first time... But I'm sure it would have been something similar... lol

Jewels said...

Oh my gosh, not to laugh, but dogs can be such little brats sometimes hey? Crating is fine; they really don't mind sleeping in them.

Felicity said...

I was wondering what on earth 'crating' was when I started reading! We housed our Lucy (a 6mth old Labrador) is the laundry until last night when she moved into the Ritz Kennel Paul built yesterday on our back veranda. I loath when she sneeks in & finds a plush toy in youngest Princess's bedroom! LOL I'd have been insane if she had been the author of such chaos.

Jaye said...

I found the Kong!
Do I get a prize?

You know, I've had similar things happen with my dog who we recently lost and our greyhound. And then there is the little fatty who loves his crate and guards it with his life and freaks when I take his blanket out to clean it and the crate itself. He would be so sad if I took away his safety zone and he's almost 9!

You do have nerves of steel, Lucy, but then when dealing with pets (and kids, lol!) you have to.

As far as the Van Halen CD goes...that might have ticked me off a bit ;)