When I think of "Shiny", this week's Photo Hunters word, I immediately think of jewelry...in my case..rings. The first pic is my engagement ring from the Sweetie Man. He had it specially made for me (his own design) when he was in a country were emeralds are abundant. I wear this ring all the time so it doesn't look quite as shiny as the second picture of the matching wedding bands that he also designed for us. Unfortunately, the wedding band won't be officially on my finger till hopefully next summer.......the way things work out, sometimes you just need to wait for what you want....and, of course, anything worth having is worth waiting for!
As for projects, sorry to tell you that I'm still working on the wedding cross stitch, for the wedding that is this Saturday (obviously, it will be late!).....Click on it for an INSANE close up of the detail...what the heck was I thinking when I picked this pattern (and I haven't even added the beads yet!)

I'm ready to do the words and then finish off the swan area. The Sweetie Man bought me these nifty magnifying glasses which are a 4.0 magnification. OH...yinz guys look SO BIG!!!! Just Kidding!

They make me look like a bug....but they are really great as long as you have the needlework closer up to your face than you might normally have. (not the greatest pic of my eyes...I look a little cross-eyed)I really don't care for the magnifying things that hang around your neck. I love working on the higher count linens but I just can't see the darn things. I've also ordered a pair of these in 1.5 magnification for when I need just a little help.
Oh, and I've organized my craft space a little more with this shelf thingy.

This is my sewing area....(aka my little corner of the world)

It's really helped alot. I get soooooo frustrated when I can't find things or have to dig for them. I just have to remember where I moved everything!
And here is a pic of some swap items I recently made that have been received...so it's safe to show them. First off...crocheted bookmarks for the
The Great Bookmark Exchange.... 
These I made for
Netter for a Spring Swap. Some crocheted dishclothes that I love to make and use....

And this cool couch tissue box cover. I'm thinking of selling these as I can do them quickly and with a fat quarter of material. Aren't they adorable?

Speaking of getting things in the mail, I got this cool stuff from Wendi in Hawaii. Check out her blog
Yarn Porn Hawaii (great name!) Love that Crab Bookmark. She has a great Esty Shop too.....

And I won this from the
Needle & I....
The tree cross stitch is a complete kit and Ranae threw in some extras too....how sweet was that?
Other than that, not much else happening. Dogs are doing good but it's so hot they can't spend all that much time outside. We actually have sitters coming to take care of them when we go away on vacation...I've been sorta introducting the sitters to the "family" a little at a time.....I didn't realize I have them on such a schedule until I started making a list for the sitters to follow. I used to just board my older dog but she always came back home a little wacky for some reason...I've read that it's better to keep them in their environment if possible and have someone come to them. Anyway, our car isn't quite big enough to load Eros in to take anywhere....sheez!!! You don't think of these things when you see that adorable little puppy who grows into to be the biggest dog on the planet!!
Well, that's it for now.....enjoy your lazy hazy crazy days of Summer....so,till next time, yinz crazy guys.....