Tuesday, June 19, 2007


To this handsome guy who turns TWENTY YEARS OLD TODAY, June 19!

He is truly my pride and joy! I don't want to brag here but I truly never had any trouble with him whatsoever. He's always made the right decisions in his life and has a good head on his shoulders. He's been there for me when I needed him most and kept me sane. Even through a divorce, he never took sides and loved both parents and stood up for that fact. He loves me, his dad, his grandma and welcomed and loved the Sweetie Man when he entered our lives. Oh, he drives us a little crazy sometimes as I'm sure we do him, but it always works out in the end. I would never change anything in my past life because then I wouldn't have my wonderful son in it! God loaned him to me to raise then I'm to send him off on his own to create a life for himself.....he's found a wonderful young lady to share it with and I'm so very very proud of him! Thank you, for being everything I hoped for and wanted in a son, Glenn.....Happy Happy Birthday and many many more! Love you always, "Tiger"....... Mom!


Ranae said...

Happy Birthday! to the handsome guy. I was blessed with a wonderful son too. I am glad you liked the package. Yes, I still use the sinu-cleasnse. I am so glad it helps you. It's a drug-free miracle for some of us.

Yarn Tails said...

Happy Birthday Lucy's son! Here is to hoping you have a wonderful day and here is to wishing you many more years to come!

Lucy I am working steadily on your swap item. I am hoping to have it done maybe by this weekend. i will let you know as soon as I get it in the mail to you!

PS.. you will have to look on my blog and see what AJ sent me.

Miss ya!@!!

stitcherw said...

Happy Birthday to your son. I hope you all have fun on his special day. My DD has her 24th birthday today as well.

Christy said...

Happy Bday Glenn!!!

ollie1976 said...

Happy Birthday Glenn!

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

Happy Birthday Glenn :)
It was a touching tribute Lucy :)

And I wanted to mention....has anyone ever told you that you and sweetie man look a lot alike?
LOL! Seriously tho' you do!

LG said...

Happy Birthday from Buenos Aires, Argentina! Feliz CumpleaƱos, Glenn!

Michelle-ozark crafter said...

Happy birthday Glenn! here is to many, many more!

Sally said...

Happy Belated Birthday Glenn!

Anonymous said...

Aw! Happy Birthday to The Boy! His good nature and level head is a testament to his upbringing. Give yourself a pat on the back. :o)