Friday, June 08, 2007

7 MORE!!!

Okay...Court (aka LG) tagged me a few days ago on the 7 Meme. I'm running out of things to tell you but here goes...

  1. My son has me wrapped around his finger. PERIOD!
  2. I am a "worker bee"...not a "queen bee"...don't want to be a "queen bee". I have a real difficult time telling anyone to do anything. I cannot be the boss of anyone which is the reason for Item #1.
  3. I could eat pizza every day!
  4. I love to go out for breakfast....purposely eat a big one if I eat out so I don't have to eat lunch. I HATE TO HAVE TO EAT LUNCH! Too difficult to figure out something to eat.
  5. I didn't used to be a dog lover until I got three of them at one time...always loved cats.
  6. I must have a cup (mug) of coffee twice a day. (morning and evening) If I'm cranky anytime, the Sweetie Man will ask me if I had my coffee yet.
  7. I can only drink water that is room temp....hate it cold! Freezes my throat..UGH! (sorta like a brain freeze but in your throat)

Okay, there you have it...7 more weird things about me!!

Hey, and while your on the computer anyway, check out the site Saw this over at Jewels blog. Really cool and easy to use! Check it out and have some fun with your pictures.

Well, off to make more buttons.....till next time, yinz crazy guys....


Court said...

Thank you for doing it The meme that is.. LOL! Tacky I know. : ) As for #8 I will post bout one later. I am like you I will set a cold water out, not coffee but tea or coke. Sorry I would have said more or made more since my brain is asleep.

Michelle-ozark crafter said...

Those are cute answers! i enjoyed it!

Anonymous said...

Great to read through - thanks for sharing! And I'm *so* with you on the pizza-eating-thing ;)

Kare said...

Hey! We are the same for #7. You are the only other person that I know that does this.
: )

LG said...

Hi Lucy! I can´t imagine how it was to have 3 dogs at a time! OMG!

Thanks for Scrapblog, looks fun.

Mimi said...

I hate cold water too, unless its really hot here...
I think I'm the same with my younger son, couldn't make him do anything :p

Anonymous said...

What are you making buttons for? I think I missed it...

Anonymous said...

I can relate to a lot of those except that I have no problem telling my family what to do! LOL That's why they call me The Queen. I don't like cold water either, perfer it cold but because of my teeth! LOL

Heather said...

Yes on the daily pizza!!!

I am also with you on the water temps as I would rather have it room temp then out of the fridge. (You get strange looks when you ask the cashier at Panera - "do you have any water that's NOT in the cooler?")