Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Posted by Lucy 6 Comments
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Just relaxin....
Hope everyone is enjoying a nice relaxing Christmas Holiday like we are. We are just spending our time eating, napping, eating, visiting friends, eating, playing games, did I say eating???? Anyway, it's been a fun time! Our Christmas Eve started off with a wonderful Christmas service at our church, however, the 300 luminaries we prepared were a bust as it rained ALOT! Oh, well, no need to prepare them for next year!
Christmas morning the Sweetie Man and I prepared a breakfast for my son and DIL then proceeded to open gifts....as you can see, Nintendo DS was the big gift along with all sorts of games!

And I waited till Christmas morning to open my Secret Santa gift from Barb in my Yahoo Cross Stitch Group! Oh, I loved this!!! Thanks again, Barb!

Plus I personnally recieved some great gifts including gift cards to my favorite craft and book stores and an awesome new purse. I loved everything!
Contrary to popular belief, I can bake (just not cook very well!)so we had cookies (pic is a little fuzzy)to munch on all day till a delicious chicken dinner from the Sweetie Man, head chef in this house!

Oh, and I wanted to show off this memory bear I was sorta commissioned to make for a friend of mine. Her husband's uncle passed away this past year and this was made from the golf shirts/sweaters. Not too bad for a first attempt...
Posted by Lucy 10 Comments
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas!
(click below for a beautiful story)
Please remember that Jesus is the REASON for the SEASON! May you and your family have a blessed and holy Christmas.....Merry Christmas, yinz guys!
Posted by Lucy 7 Comments
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Some finishes...
...and you think I don't do anything!!! Well, I actually finished some things I've been working on. First is my ornament tree. It's been in pieces since Sweetie Man did the cutting and drilled the holes for me. Since I finally have some ornies to hang on it, I finish it with a little glue, paint, and some crackling to give it a weathered look. I really love it and plan on leaving it up all year round...now all I have to do is complete some seasonal ornies for it.
This is a little scissor fob I did from beads for a Secret Santa gift. These are so easy and you can find tutorials on the web for them. Not to mention fun to make for a cute little gift.
So, that's it for now...back to Christmas gift making. A few more to finish and I'm calling it quits....not really...I'll find something else to make....I always do.
Till next time yinz crazy elves.....
Posted by Lucy 10 Comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
That's right, yinz guys....today I turn the big 52!!! I've been blessed beyond belief with a wonderful new husband and a brand new daughter-in-law, good health and life for the most part is pretty darn good! And I thank an Awesome God for it all! Oh, and I can't forget all my cyber friends out there! So, have drink on me....even if it is just a glass of water!!! Cause as the little boy says in that old I LOVE LUCY episode...."IT'S A MY BIRTHDAY TOO!!!!"
Till next time, yinz crazy guys.....
Posted by Lucy 14 Comments
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Return of the Girls....
Well, now that yinz guys had time to get over the shock of my dog eating my homemade pumpkin pie, I thought it would be time to move on.
First off...The Girls have returned! I've made these Wacky metal ladies before and was "commissioned" by my sister to make more. Seven more to be exact but I made nine. They are cute and fun to make out of roof flashing tin. The little purses read, "Put on your big girl panties and deal with it!"
These next two pics I wasn't able to show until I was sure they were recieved by my great nephew and his mom and dad. All his statistics (name, birth, etc...) are stitched below the penquins. It's a Brittercup design but I left out one of the penquins as they only have one little boy....so far! (hint-hint!)

The next is a stitched card I made for him. Inside I made a place for a gift card.

With the Thanksgiving Holiday now in the past, Sweetie Man and I last Saturday had a little home feast just for us and my son and DIL in our newly painted and remodeled diningroom. It was so nice....
Posted by Lucy 9 Comments
Friday, November 28, 2008
FACT....given the opportunity, a Mastif/Lab can devour an entire freshly baked pumpkin pie (or at least 3/4 of it) without whipped topping......and will have no guilt feelings afterwards!
That's all I have to say.....now I'm off to the store to buy more canned pumpkin!
Posted by Lucy 8 Comments
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Look closely....
Posted by Lucy 8 Comments
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Two crazy stitchers....
Well, Kathie sent me pics of our visit at Barnes and Noble on Saturday....the one where we planned on stitching for a couple of hours but ended up talking instead. This first one is your classic, "take a picture of yourself holding the camera out in front of you!" I personally love these kind and I think it turned out well...
The second, Kathie asked her daughter Lizzie to take it....pretty good pic too I think!I'm hoping we can meet up again....and maybe this time actually stitch a bit.
Kathie also tagged me to share 6 random things about myself! So here goes....
The rules are as follows:
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post.
5. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know your entry is up.
1. I love spiders. I rescue stranded spiders. I talk to spiders. I've considered having a pet trantuala. Enough said on that subject.
2. I hate to drive...anywhere! I don't consider myself a good driver and I get confused easily on the road. I am a very very courteous driver. (unlike some people I drive with and you know who you are!) I have never driven more than 1 1/2 hours in the driver's seat....I actually get sleepy driving so I just don't do it for very long......20 minute trips tops.
3. I'm high maintenance emotionally.....I need attention! I could live in a tent wearing a sack but if my husband takes care of my emotional needs, (phone calls, I love you's, hugs..etc...)I'll be happy as a lark.
4. Sweetie Man and I met online about 9 years ago (just got married this past April as you know) when there was probably only one chat room on the internet.....and before the onset of predators. I actually didn't want to chat with him as (1) I thought he was too intelligent and I just wanted to goof around in the various rooms with people and (2) he lived too close to me...one state away. I wanted to talk with people on the other side of the world. But things happen for a reason....and I have no doubt in my mind that he and I were meant to be...true soulmates.
5. I love to laugh...I love to make others laugh.....people say they can hear me coming by my laugh! I think I have a quick sense of humor as does Sweetie Man...we laugh all the time...I'm talking good hardy laughs.
6. I'm a "redder-upper" (Pittsburgh term)....there can be dust everywhere, but I want everything in it's place...or at least where no one will see it. (don't look in my closets, tho!)
Now it's your turn, mmmm, let's see, whom shall I tag.....
You're IT, yinz crazy guys.....!
Posted by Lucy 5 Comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
To make a long story short, I made Ham BBQ sandwiches doing the Cola and Ketchup thing and in the search for the correct amounts came upon this website 15 Uncommon Uses for Coca Cola which by the way includes the BBQ sauce (1 cup ketchup/1 cup cola). Sorta makes you wonder what the heck we are drinking and eating that can also be used to remove rust????

Okay, next site is a double doozy...I love this one sent to me by Kathie, (who I met by the way in person last Saturday along with her daughter....great creative lady!)...anyway, it's a blog about a lady, by the name of Stephanie, who vowed to use her crockpot everyday in 2008 and post the recipes.
A Year of CrockPotting. There are even pictures for people like me who don't know what certain ingredients look like and reviews from her family on the results. I LOVE THIS SITE!!!
It is like "crockpot cooking for dummies"! Today she made candles in the crockpot....don't eat them tho! How cool is that! Thank you again, Kathie, for this terrific site.
Okay, with that, I'm off to dust the crockpots and start cooking....till next time, yinz crazy guys!
Posted by Lucy 9 Comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
Say it AIN'T so, Joe!!!!!!
Saw this over at Anna's Blog and just had to take it.....who'd a thunk!!!! I'm sleepin' with one eye open from now on....
Till next time yinz crazy guys......(meow) WHAT WAS THAT???
Posted by Lucy 4 Comments
Friday, November 14, 2008
More progress....
You will never hear me complain about having my son and DIL living with us while they are finishing up college...no sireee!!! Not when I have this to show for it....
That's right...they were at work again putting flooring down in my livingroom and diningroom! How awesome is this....

Aside from all the stuff that is piled around due to painting and moving and cleaning, they have done a tremendous job! This last pic is a little funky and it looks like the door and wall are really dirty...I think it was the light and camera angle. Just focus on the floor......

So this weekend, is painting a little more and cleaning and throwing out (aka redding up), etc.... By the holidays we should have a half decent home till the Spring when we start on the office and a couple more bedrooms! For a house that is over 80 years old...I don't think it looks too bad! Till next time, yinz crazy guys....
Posted by Lucy 10 Comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Beautiful exchanges...
This is the first time I've done an exchange with the SBEBB group and tho I cannot show you a pic of what I sent (one, because the receiver hasn't received it yet and two, because the pic I took was crazy blurry....my bad) but I can show you the lovely scissor fob I received from Carol....
The stitching is incredible...so perfect and so tiny. Thank you, Carol.
Next is a great Halloween pinkeep exchange with my Yahoo Group. This one from Dawn. The fabric is sooooo cool...love it. Check out the little froggie she included.

I messed up my pic of the pinkeep I sent. I'm so bummed. Cathy, the recipient, took a much better pic on her blog, so hop on over and see what is really looks like.

I've been promising you pics of the 7 hour stitch marathon I went to a few weeks ago. So much fun...so much stuff to buy...so many freebies...and a great lunch. No wonder there is a waiting list. It was blast.

Okay....I know Halloween is over, but I just had to include a couple pics of the crazy people I live with. My son was a gangster and Sweetie Man insisted on sitting outside to greet the 12 halloweeners we had that visited us. This was the first time in many years that we had a city-wide trick or treat night (mostly it was done by neighborhoods) which is the reason for the low turn out. My DIL is the one who did his makeup....I insisted he remove it before going to bed tho...UGH!
Posted by Lucy 12 Comments
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
This my Great Nephew, Owen!!! I could be being a bit one-sided here...but I think he is the most adorable little cutie pie I ever saw!!!! He turned 1 year old on election day! I just got a hold of these pics as he lives about 8 hours from me but by the little videos and such I have seen, it seems he enjoyed playing and throwing the cake much more than eating it!!!
Technology is great.....as we were able to watch this little guy grow up right before our eyes through the magic of the internet!
Owen, may you have many more bright and beautiful and healthy years to come.....and may that beautiful smile and spirit of yours touch many more people as it has touched us!!
We love you!!!!!
Posted by Lucy 5 Comments
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Two simple words....
Politics means there'll be a lot of talking
But, citizen, there's just no room for squawking
'Cause whatever floats your boat
If you don't take time to vote
You can whine, you can complain
'Til you drive the world insane
But no words can justify
Or provide a reason why
You let go of Freedom's mallet
If you didn't cast your ballot
Parties left and parties right
Down the middle, out of sight
Watch your gas gauge, guard your health
God forbid you count on wealth
When your budget's in the red
And you lie awake in bed
If you feel the urge to blame
Lest you call them out by name
You can leave it all to fate
Or go vote – 'fore it's too late
(Written by my very own Sweetie Man.....Please vote, yinz guys!!!!)
Posted by Lucy 2 Comments
Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
....cause it's still me but with a different face. I decided to break out of the purple red thing I had going on and get a little seasonal. I love when people change their blogs with the seasons and I thought I would give it a try....again....and again....and yet again!!! Yep, it took awhile but I did it! Still have to tweak it a little but at least I got this far.
As for craft pics, well unfortunately the 4 things I'm working on are going places and haven't got there yet so I can't show them due to rules and regulations of the exhanges and also peeking eyes!!! So, hang in there and I'll be showing them soon!
So, enjoy the autumn leaves and I'll catch yunz guys later.....
Posted by Lucy 7 Comments
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Great Exhausting Weekend...
We had an exhausting exhilarating exciting weekend!!!! And our bones are feeling it too! Our weekend was called "Church without Walls" and what it consisted of was canceling church services for the weekend.....and instead, going out into the community and giving of ourselves and our time! We all wore purple t-shirts that read, "I don't go to church...I AM the church!" Everyone gave a few hours of time between Saturday and Sunday to projects such as cleaning up trash in the downtown area as well as weeding near the railroad tracks. Some worked right at the church itself cutting down trees and painting windows or working on the Kids Kloset (clothes donation.) The Sweetie Man and I chose to work at the local Massa Harbison Park (aka...the site of the Girl Scout Little House). Take a minute and read a short story about Massy Harbison and her connection to our community.
Anyway, we were elected to "sling mud" from one of four park pavilions in the area. For a sneak peek at our fun weekend, check out the pics below....
First off is Sweetie Man and myself shoveling mud and cleaning the floor of a pavilion.... That's Sweetie Man using the blower to clean up what was left after shoveling.....
Even the kids worked ........
and played................
The Mayor of our City even worked, probably harder than most everyone.....
That's me and my pastor who was digging a trench to keep the mud off the pavilion we just shoveled out.....WHEW!
We're actually not permitted to burn in the City limits, but hey....we had the Mayor working with us....
It was truly an incredible weekend. There's a great log cabin on the property also that I remember having sleep overs with the Girl Scouts when I was little...we used that for breaks and lunch...which was needed for all.
Actually, that wasn't all to my weekend....give me a couple of days to rest up and I'll let you know what I did on Sunday (does 7 hours of cross stitching sound fun???? It was!)
Till next time, yunz crazy guys.....
Posted by Lucy 7 Comments
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Birthday weekend...
Sweetie Man and I wanted to celebrate his birthday away from it all so we went camping up to Bear Run Campground near us. It was a beautiful weekend and so nice to just be all alone for awhile to just be our crazy selves! The kids (son and DIL) joined us for dinner on Saturday night which was really nice...especially since they brought an Ice Cream Cake!!! So for your enjoyment....our CAMPY BIRTHDAY WEEKEND!
Posted by Lucy 7 Comments
Friday, October 10, 2008
ALSO KNOWN AS "PEPPERMAN", "BIG EDDIE", "HOT ZONE ED" AND MOST IMPORTANTLY...... MY HUSBAND!!! (for the 1st year ever and the rest of his birthdays to come!)
May you have a wonderful day, Mi Amor, and many many more wonderful healthy years to come...with me of course!!!
¡feliz cumpleaños
Posted by Lucy 7 Comments
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Autumn's in the air....
For your viewing pleasure...presenting what I do in my spare time...
First off we have some WIP's. This one is the Village of Hawk Run Hollow....not seeing alot of the light of day is it? At this rate I should be able to finish this in about 20 years....
This one is the adorable penquin (can't tell you but if you are a cross stitcher you may know what this is going to eventually be....spying eyes are viewing my blog!!)
Everytime I take a pic of this JCS Owl Halloween ornie,it comes out blurry...maybe it's possessed!!!
This little number is for an Autumn Exchange I'm doing and it's by The Trilogy. I have a cute idea on the finish but shhhhhhh it's a secret!
Another blurry one....but it is the Brittercup Puppy ornie for my son's dog. I changed the colors since he has a chocolate lab. Now I have an ornie for every dog and cat in the house! (wonder if Brittercup makes rabbits and turtles) Now for the good stuff...this is a picture of my hard working daughter-in-law painting their room in the house but wait.....
She single handedly turned this ugly floor.......
....into this!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And she bought this for the beginning renovation of my house!!!! (they are lamps...how cool is that!)

Posted by Lucy 16 Comments