Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day Blogland!!

Ever since I made this dowel tree I keep finding things in multiples that I want to put on it. This time it's crochet hearts in pink and red. So many patterns of these on the web when I googled it...just picked an easy one and made a dozen.

Now I gotta find something to make for St. Patrick's day for my little tree. Easter stuff is already in the works.
So with that said.....
hope yinz guys all have a Sweet Day.....till next time, yinz crazy guys...


Meari said...

Very cute!

Happy Valentine's Day!

ollie1976 said...


Gillie said...

Oh my, a burgh blog! So sorry about the game:(. Very impressed by the black and gold business! Despite being a Brit, the longest I've lived anywhere is nine years just outside Steel City!