Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Posted by Lucy 6 Comments
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Just relaxin....
Hope everyone is enjoying a nice relaxing Christmas Holiday like we are. We are just spending our time eating, napping, eating, visiting friends, eating, playing games, did I say eating???? Anyway, it's been a fun time! Our Christmas Eve started off with a wonderful Christmas service at our church, however, the 300 luminaries we prepared were a bust as it rained ALOT! Oh, well, no need to prepare them for next year!
Christmas morning the Sweetie Man and I prepared a breakfast for my son and DIL then proceeded to open gifts....as you can see, Nintendo DS was the big gift along with all sorts of games!

And I waited till Christmas morning to open my Secret Santa gift from Barb in my Yahoo Cross Stitch Group! Oh, I loved this!!! Thanks again, Barb!

Plus I personnally recieved some great gifts including gift cards to my favorite craft and book stores and an awesome new purse. I loved everything!
Contrary to popular belief, I can bake (just not cook very well!)so we had cookies (pic is a little fuzzy)to munch on all day till a delicious chicken dinner from the Sweetie Man, head chef in this house!

Oh, and I wanted to show off this memory bear I was sorta commissioned to make for a friend of mine. Her husband's uncle passed away this past year and this was made from the golf shirts/sweaters. Not too bad for a first attempt...
Posted by Lucy 10 Comments
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas!
(click below for a beautiful story)
Please remember that Jesus is the REASON for the SEASON! May you and your family have a blessed and holy Christmas.....Merry Christmas, yinz guys!
Posted by Lucy 7 Comments
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Some finishes...
...and you think I don't do anything!!! Well, I actually finished some things I've been working on. First is my ornament tree. It's been in pieces since Sweetie Man did the cutting and drilled the holes for me. Since I finally have some ornies to hang on it, I finish it with a little glue, paint, and some crackling to give it a weathered look. I really love it and plan on leaving it up all year round...now all I have to do is complete some seasonal ornies for it.
This is a little scissor fob I did from beads for a Secret Santa gift. These are so easy and you can find tutorials on the web for them. Not to mention fun to make for a cute little gift.
So, that's it for now...back to Christmas gift making. A few more to finish and I'm calling it quits....not really...I'll find something else to make....I always do.
Till next time yinz crazy elves.....
Posted by Lucy 10 Comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
That's right, yinz guys....today I turn the big 52!!! I've been blessed beyond belief with a wonderful new husband and a brand new daughter-in-law, good health and life for the most part is pretty darn good! And I thank an Awesome God for it all! Oh, and I can't forget all my cyber friends out there! So, have drink on me....even if it is just a glass of water!!! Cause as the little boy says in that old I LOVE LUCY episode...."IT'S A MY BIRTHDAY TOO!!!!"
Till next time, yinz crazy guys.....
Posted by Lucy 14 Comments
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Return of the Girls....
Well, now that yinz guys had time to get over the shock of my dog eating my homemade pumpkin pie, I thought it would be time to move on.
First off...The Girls have returned! I've made these Wacky metal ladies before and was "commissioned" by my sister to make more. Seven more to be exact but I made nine. They are cute and fun to make out of roof flashing tin. The little purses read, "Put on your big girl panties and deal with it!"
These next two pics I wasn't able to show until I was sure they were recieved by my great nephew and his mom and dad. All his statistics (name, birth, etc...) are stitched below the penquins. It's a Brittercup design but I left out one of the penquins as they only have one little boy....so far! (hint-hint!)

The next is a stitched card I made for him. Inside I made a place for a gift card.

With the Thanksgiving Holiday now in the past, Sweetie Man and I last Saturday had a little home feast just for us and my son and DIL in our newly painted and remodeled diningroom. It was so nice....
Posted by Lucy 9 Comments