Tuesday, July 15, 2008

BAD NEWS......

....THE TURTLE IS IN ON THE CONSPIRACY!!! She bit me good and hard yesterday when I was feeding her...broke skin...no blood! I had to shake her off and she flipped on her back....I personally don't know what she has to gain by knocking me off!!!! I'm so upset..."CUJEENA, HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!"
...Don't think I'm not going to keep my eye on the rabbit and cat!!!


ollie1976 said...

Sounds like you're in a world of trouble up there Lucy!

Michelle-ozark crafter said...

Well why don't you just bite her back so she knows how it feels! LOL!

Anonymous said...

The word got out. Oh boy!

LG said...

I don´t think the turtle did it on purpose...

Anonymous said...

Oh dear! Do not your pets know which side of their bread is buttere? Owie!