Okay, I think I gave yinz guys sufficient time to sign my guestbook so now for some pics. (by the by, if you haven't signed it in the last post, by all means, get typing!)
My first pic here are some great fat quarters for a fat quarter exchange in my stitching group. The theme was Water, Travel, and Picnic. Anyway, I'm a fat quarter-aholic so anything was great for me. Loved these pieces from Patti. I've not seen these pieces anywhere, so I'm very happy with them. I'm starting another double wedding ring quilt, so every little bit helps. (not telling you yet who it's for tho...hee-hee...not me unfortunately yet) So, thanks Patti, you'll be part of the quilt now!
Oh, and remember that wedding I went to at the end of June? The one where I was told I could give a gift up to a year after the wedding? (Alexis?) Anyway, I've been working diligently on this piece everyday...no kidding. It's really going fast now that I sorta have a method I'm using to keep things straight. Believe it or not all it is is highlighting the stitches on the pattern as I do them and staying in one area. All you long-time cross stitchers have been doing that right along but I never did...duh!. It's great and helping me alot. Watched others do it at my monthly stitch-in when doing detailed pieces. (missed my last stitch in due to doggie paw problems...remember?) Anyway, this shouldn't take too much longer...I promise I'll show you the finished framed piece.
And this, my friends, is the AWESOME Spring Swap package from Brandy!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!! Let me take you for a grand tour...
First off this great Butterfly Wind Chime already hanging on my porch as you can see. You know of course I love butterflies....

Brandy had to make something for the swap so my mouth dropped open to my knees when I saw this GORGEOUS soft yellow (fav color) knitted bag. The pic does not do it justice! It's beautiful!!!!!

Check out the material for the lining. Already been using this beauty!
Some extra little butterfly goodies and such were added that I love!!!!

AND.....wait till you see this.....STUFF TO LEARN TO SPIN!!!! OMG!!! I've been wanting to try this FOREVER but never got around to getting the items needed. She even dyed the wool herself! OH, BRANDY, YOU ARE TRULY MY "DIVINE SISTER"! As if I wasn't already excited about all the other stuff, I find this at the bottom of the box!!!! WOW!!!!

Could you believe that??? Brandy, I can't thank you enough!!! You are way way too generous!!!! I've already started using everything and can't wait to get started on the spinning! Thank you sooooooo much again!!!
Well, that's about it for now. Still have vacation pics to show you...the Sweetie Man just downloaded them on our computer so I'll be getting those together next as well as the Rockin Girl Bloggers post, since I was nominated twice!!! (does that mean I get to do ten blogs?)
Ok, behave yourselves the rest of the day...oh, and think of me this evening when I have to take 120 lb Eros back to the doc's in the truck (in the rain probably) for a check up on the foot infection....oh, I'm dreading that!!! So, till next time, yinz crazy guys......