Tuesday, April 10, 2007



and her handsome fiance.....


Aren't these just the cutest things you ever saw? Got them on the Planet M & M Site but orginally saw it on AJ's Blog who helped me tremendously when I was having trouble getting them here. Can't figure out why I'm in a white background tho and the Sweetie Man isn't! Anyway, thanks again, AJ. (P.S.....in case you didn't notice....it's me and the Sweetie Man)
Okay...not too much to say today as American Idol will be starting soon and you know how that goes! I do want to show you a completed cross stitch tho from one of my former students.....okay, it's my future step-daughter (aka Sweetie Man's daughter) and I really just gave her a cross stitch refresher course when she was visiting.....but I think she did an awesome job on this picture of one of her two babies.

I think she did a great job and I hope she continues cross stitching!!!!

Well, that's about it for tonight. So from Seniorita Sugarlump Ala Mode....till tomorrow, yinz crazy guys.........


stitcherw said...

The M&M guys were very cute, and I loved the little dog, adorable. Your future DIL is off to a great start, I hope she keeps stitching as well.

Anonymous said...

Are you both plain? or peanut? Awesome job on x-stitchin to the DIL.

aj said...


SO glad you got them up on here!

And your future DIL's cross stitch is gorgeous!

Seeds of Doom said...

Only she's not your future DIL; she's your future step-daughter...just to set the record straight....yet again...(sigh!)

Anonymous said...

Those are just darling! Yay! You got them on. I thought they were a fun thing to do. Have a great day!

Lucy said...

Sorry, Sweetie Man.....I do that all the time, don't I?...guess that's why I have you around....to correct my mistakes...he-he!

Court said...

To funny!! The M&M's look great!!

CritterLady62 said...

Wow, it doesn't seem like it was that long ago that your step daughter was visiting. She's off to a great start!! I love little daschunds. I love M&M's too! Great idea.

The Silver Thistle said...

Hahahah, I'm lovin' those sandals!! lol.

Netter said...

I'm glad you finally worked out your M&M posting issues. What a cute candy coated creation you make.

Robin said...

Oh Lucy-how funny! I love the Daschound(sp) cross stitch. It is nice to have a fellow stitcher in the family. Sadly your M and M's remind me of the very large bag I ate at Easter. I swear within hours I ate a whole pound and a half of peanuts M&Ms. No willpower with those!

Court said...

Thank you so much for the birthday wishes. And I am glad to be your little sis!! It is so cool.. Hey we may be back for another game. This time with our fire cheif. He is a Seahawks fan and they play in the Steel City maybe in Oct. Maybe in time to see you again!! HUGS!! Love ya, LG

Michelle-ozark crafter said...

The two of you are cute m & m's! Love the doxie stitching

Sally said...

Hi Lucy! Your future step daughter's stitching is gorgeous.

Love the M&M's!

Mimi said...

Your step-daughter's work is lovely, her dog's adorable ;)