Monday, March 05, 2007

I'm here as I promised...

...but that's about all I can muster up for yinz guys! I knew I would laugh this past weekend with our company, but I never knew I could have a "laugh hangover". I laughed so much and so hard I think I used muscles I didn't even know I had. I'm still recovering so hang in there and I'll be good as new tomorrow...I hope! Till tomorrow, yinz crazy guys....(footnote: The game, Balderdash, should have a warning label on it: "Those 50 and over should consult their physician before playing any part of this game!")


stitcherw said...

Glad you had so much fun. They say laughter is good for you, and it sounds like you got quite a workout.

Christy said...

Good for you Lucy!! Glad you had a great time!

Kare said...

Oh Balderdash! I haven't played that in years. What a hoot!
Glad you had fun. No video? : )

Anonymous said...

Laugh hangovers are the best! ;)

ollie1976 said...

Glad that you had a laughing weekend!

Donna said...

yay laughing hangovers are the best. Love the weight cartoons.

Anonymous said...

A laughing hangover? How much fun is that?! Glad you had a great time! We've missed ya.

Michelle-ozark crafter said...

Sounds like you had a lot of fun! Take two aspirin and call me in the morning !!!

Anonymous said...

If you have a laughing hangover, then I know you had a good time.

Evelyn said...


I'm your bookmark swap partner, and Juli tells me that you have not been receiving my emails. Please try emailing me at: I have your bookmark all finished, but I have a couple of questions for you.

