Tuesday, October 03, 2006

You've waited long enough...

Actually I wanted to get enough of the baby stuff done to show you something productive. And here it is!!!

You remember this from the SNB Happy Hooker book? You know how much I like sock monkeys...well, if you don't....I do. (if you don't ALREADY have my button on the sidebar...and shame on you by the way....you will see it is a sock monkey!) Anyway, I just loved this when I saw it and since my new neighbors are having a baby and a baby shower, I thought it would be so cute. I plan on making the hat, some matching booties, and if I have time, a crocheted sock monkey. I think this pattern is so adorable.
And since you know I took a couple of days off from blogging, I WAS being productive. I was working on my sock as you can see. I started the heel but have a sneaking feeling that I'm going to run out of yarn so I may have to change colors at the toe...but what the heck, I'm the only one who will see it.
And then just for the heck of it, I started this skull cap using the SNB knitting book. I used different yarn and different hooks but sorta got the idea from there. The Bernat Satin is really soft. This isn't done on circular needles (since I'm afraid of them....tho I haven't tried!) either. We shall see what happens with this...it's in my son's college colors...Go Penn State!

That's about it. I've been feeling a little yucky...think I caught something from the Sweetie Man who was feeling this way this past weekend...just a little cough and a little fatigued. Oh well...think I'll head to bed early and take two tylenols...once I get the "kids" to bed! Don't worry, I'll definately show you all the completed projects once they are done. Oh, and thanks to all of you who voted for my name on the Crochet Dude's web site. I think I got a total of 9 votes. The winner got 18....and the name that won was "Purl McBig Bottom". (no comment) Anyway, keep an eye out cause he plans on posting that knitted pattern for free and it's a really cute purse. Well, that's it, yinz guys.....catch ya all on the flip-flop!!


ollie1976 said...

Congrats an getting so much done or worked on-everything looks great!

Anonymous said...

All your projects are looking good so far. Cant wait to see the sock monkey stuff. Need to find a sock monkey pattern. Now I want to make one!! Have a great Day!!! Hope you dont catch whatever sweetie man had...

LG said...

Lucy I love that monkey thing from SnB book! And yours is looking even more prettier! Imagine when finished!
The sock is also looking great! Good color combination!
I hope you are feeling better today!

Sydney Harper said...

I love the sock monkey stuff! My favorite toy as a kid was my sock monkey.

Take care of yourself. There seems to be a lot of stuff going around right now.

Andi said...

Your projects look fabulous! You are like me I have to have more than 1 project going at the same time. I drive myself crazy on purpose.... LOL

Kare said...

ooooh! I *love* the sock monkey colors!