....it's an awesome pair of socks from Melissa! I now have my very own colorful handmade socks for MY FEET! We both signed up to Kaity's sock swap and she was smart enough to pair up two beginners....cause she probably figured we would take a little more time...and she was right. But it was certainly worth the wait!!! Melissa also sent me some goodies including some Zataran Dirty Rice (she's from Louisianna) that the Sweetie Man will have fun with! So thanks, again Melissa! Great job!
Next...check out these cool books I got through a mailer. It was one of those, try for 30 days and send back at our expense. I don't think I'll send it back cause it has alot of cool Christmas things...ornaments, baskets, stockings, etc... I really like it. The book on the right was a freebie that came with it. If you would like to check it out, go to the Needlecraft Shop and I think you may have to send them an email to request it, as it's fairly new. Last, but not least, check out the awesome gourds we are growing. We started out with four plants but I accidentally mowed three down...oops! This plant went crazy on us and produced four 10 inch gourds....I'll be crafting on this guys next year, for sure!
Well, that's it for tonight! This is the second time I posted this blog...lost the other one somehow.....I HATE when that happens!!!! So till tomorrow....this is Lucy the Gourd Lady, signing off!
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Lookie what I got....
Posted by Lucy 12 Comments
Monday, August 28, 2006
My Obit......
![]() |
'What will your obituary say?' at QuizGalaxy.com |
Just kidding...I'm still here! But isn't that the funniest thing....of all persons to be missed by....Mr. Potatohead....sounds like a bad dream (okay, Karen...this is where you come in!) Sorry, Mrs. Potatohead.....your husband always did have an "eye" for blondes!! Get it...eye....eye on a potato! Never mind!
Got this from Dawn. Enjoy!
Posted by Lucy 3 Comments
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Take me out to the ballgame....
Our Saturday was spent in Pittsburgh attending a Pirate Baseball Game. It was SkyBlast night, so we are talking a sell-out crowd and the best fireworks ever...win or lose! We started out our afternoon walking across the Roberto Clemente Bridge...named after #21, one of the greatest players ever (at least in my opinion!) Those were the days when I was a huge fan! Anyway, this is an awesome shot of the city behind us.This is a shot of what we were walking towards. I have no idea who that looney tune is in the right hand side of the picture, chewing on corn nuts, cause she couldn't wait for dinner...geez!
We had an early dinner at Outback Steakhouse and if you look directly below the sign in the next pic, you can see some arched windows which was directly across from our dinner booth so we got to watch a bit of batting practice while we ate before the game. That was cool!
It was a sell out game but you couldn't tell from this picture since we got in a little after the gates opened. But trust me...it did sell out. Practically everyone of those seats was filled.
This is my favorite pic, since unbeknownst to me when I was taking it, you could see the Pittburgh skyline in Sweetie Man's sunglasses. I thought that was neat!
The Pirates lost to Houston but it was fun anyway. The guy behind me got hit with a foul ball in the shoulder, the guy in front of me caught a t-shirt in the t-shirt toss, and I must have done the wave 1/2 dozen times. Got home close to midnight and crashed and then just chilled on Sunday. Now it's time for Monday and hopefully a quick week since next weekend is the long Labor Day weekend...oh, yeah! So, as they say in that good old song...."it's One, Two, Three Strikes..........I'M OUT....at the Old Ballgame!!!!!!!!
Posted by Lucy 6 Comments
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Tagged...I'm it!!!
Tagged by Sue at Good Yarns. And being as I'm a book lover....I liked this one....here the directions:
1. Grab the nearest book. Don't think, just the nearest book...
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the next 3 sentences on your blog (Please include the book and author) along with these instructions.
5. Don't you dare dig for that "cool" or "intellectual" book in your closet! I know you were thinking about it! Just pick up whatever is closest.
6. Tag three people.
Ok, I promise I won't be as trashy as Brandy (he-he!)
"Maybe because of all of the walking, they quickly adopted the custom of eating a large midday meal before retiring for a good part of the afternoon returning from their hotel room from whatever distant quarter of whichever city they happened to be in, there to nap like newborns. And then when they woke, they walked. "Had enough?" Martin asked Claire one afternoon in Florence, walking back down the hill from the Pitti Palace. "No" she answered quickly.
Sounds interesting, no?
It's an excerpt from THE GAZEBO by Emily Grayson. Good book!!!
Okay, and now I think I'm going to tag......Ollie, Christy, Courtney
I'll be checking on yinz, guys!!
Now off to see the Pittsburgh Pirates at SkyBlast Night!!! Woo-hoo!!! (don't worry, I'll take pics for ya!) Tootles!
Posted by Lucy 1 Comments
Friday, August 25, 2006
A little "book talk"!
I guess you may have noticed the Books to the Sky icon on my sidebar linking you to that website. If you are a book lover as I am, I really think you will enjoy this new site from Juli. She gives some great reviews on books that she has read. This is the same Juli who has The Great Bookmark Exchange which I challenged you all to join also. (remember, fellow book lovers?)
I don't really know how I got interested in books...not books on tape so much (I can't seem to keep my concentration on those for any length of time). I just remember enjoying walking to the library when I was young (when you could walk that far safely), walking down the basement steps (it was under some offices in town) and just loving the smell of it. All those books! (especially the Nancy Drews....which I still collect as you know) I still love to walk into a book store, particularly the ones with the coffee shops and just take a deep breath....it's aromatherapy for me. There is this certain fascination about books I can't explain. I mean I don't remember my mom reading when I was young nor did she read to me. Nor did my dad. They both read the newspapers and such, but that was about it. I found out later in life that my mom read alot before she had kids...makes sense...with four kids farely close in age...who has time to read? Once everyone was gone, and my dad passed away, she read like crazy. I, in turn, slowed down quite a bit, taking care of my own son and reading alot to him. How I wish she were around now, so I could have my very own reading swap partner...she read pretty much the same things I did and would try anything. I particularly remember one birthday when she turned maybe 70, we went to the used book store and got about 50 used Harlequins and romances for her. Ya know, she wasn't that excited when my brother bought her a new TV. She loved them. She said she loved to read them cause it took her to a whole other world. And when you think about it....it does. I mean really, a good writer will make you jump into the book......the characters will become people you really know. What I'm trying to figure out is....are love of books something you are just born with or something taught to you? In my case, I was born with it. I really never saw anyone else reading in my family. I did read to my son quite a bit...actually from the moment I brought him home from the hospital, whether he understood it or not. (Dr. Suess, of course) There were plenty of books available for him....but it never really caught on. Guess he wasn't born with the love of books as I was.
I also enjoy seeing what others are reading. When I'm on vacation, I'm always trying to look at the covers of the books of people reading at the beach. I find it fascinating to see what other people like. I even used to volunteer in the local library....just because. You would think I would have become a librarian.
Anyway, not to become long winded here on books, but I do enjoy them. Now I don't read as fast as I would like to....probably never finished a book in one sitting like some people do....I tend to get a little sleepy at some point. I have so many many books I would love to read tho....I'll try anything once. This is why the paperback swap website is so much fun too. I can trade what I've finished and get new at no cost. It amazes me how many people belong to that too.....it is rare that I don't find a book...whether it be fiction or non-fiction, kids books, crafts, etc... Every kind you can think of posted by people everywhere to trade for the cost of postage. They have now added a new site which is a CD swap. Sweetie Man posted 10 CD's so far and we've just sent one out that was requested. I haven't looked into this one yet since I'm more a reader than a music person. But check it out if you have CD's that you really don't listen to anymore or have downloaded on you I-pods.
Oh, and one more thing about books....there are alot of online libraries also that are pretty good. I've read a classic or two on them.. the whole book, chapter by chapter. http://www.literature.org/ And there is also a site called Book Crossings in which you randomly leave a book you have read somewhere (hospital, store, restaurant...etc) hoping someone picks it up...then you sorta track it. You can also see where in your town someone has dropped a book off...you'd be surprised! This could be anywhere in the world that's listed...but I did manage to find one that was left at a donut shop in town.
Well, that's about it for today. Hope you enjoyed my literacy blog today. And check out some of those sites I mentioned....you might find something you like! So, till tomorrow, amigos.......READ-R-DONE!!!
Posted by Lucy 3 Comments
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
And the winner is....
Yep...that's our little Chloe Nicole on the right playing tug-o-war with big step-sister Katie. Chloe is definately very active and playful and she is definately not a lap dog. I don't know if there was ever a moment when she just would sit on one of our laps. I had to buy some Bitter spray to keep her from playing tug-o-war with my clothes tho. (She pulled my skirt off once) It is safe to say she does not like the taste of it. (the Bitter spray that is) UGH!
Katie, her big step-sister, is becoming more patient with this little one. I'm hoping some day I will see the two of them sleeping together in happy harmony. Katie is the Alpha dog tho and she has let Chloe know it on numerous occasions! Oh, well...it's a dog's life I guess!
This next pic is of the cute little bumble bee that Mimi made for me. I just love it and it sits watching me work. I brought my camera into work one day just to take a picture of him. He is soooooo cute!! Thanks again, Mimi!! Check this out. Sue at Good Yarns sorta inspired me by her Prayer Shawl to make one of my own. Yep, it's being knitted. I don't particularly care for the " slippy" (Pittsburghese) needles. I like wooden ones instead and should have made a pair out of dowels but instead I bought these and ended up getting one size bigger than I needed. There are alot of boo-boo's in this but you really can't see them due to the pattern and the homespun yarn. I'm not sure who is getting this, but I do have someone in mind. I'll let you know once it is done...if it turns out okay.
And check this out. When I was at Knitty Gritty the Yarn Store while on vacation, I found this pattern for this cute little purse. Actually I think it is a Lily Chin pattern (is that right?) and the yarn is a mercerized cotton....anyway, it's really nice cotton yarn and this purse ended up being about 5 inches wide and 7 1/2 inches high. I think I may make another for me. Since it only took a total of one skein of yarn, it's for my One Skein Partner. I'm sure it could be done in ww cotton also. Hope she likes it.
Well, that's it for today, Hope you enjoyed the tour. Mozilla is treating me better which is why I'm posting this pics that I've been meaning to post for awhile. So, yinz guys, till tomorrow......KNIT-R-DONE!
Posted by Lucy 8 Comments
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Who is this girl anyway???
This was cool...I got it from Brandy (aka Crochet Nut). Gives you a little insight in the mystery of ME!!!
2. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? Yes, my mom's best friend
3. WHEN DID YOU LAST CRY? Last week I think.
4. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? No....I love it!!! I get compliments on it all the time...not to brag or anything.
6. KIDS? One nineteen year old son...(I'll trade ya "Mary" for him, Brandy!)
8. DO YOU HAVE A JOURNAL? An on and off one (more off than on)
9. DO YOU USE SARCASM A LOT? Average I think.
10. DO YOU STILL HAVE YOUR TONSILS? Yep...ahhhh,wee?
11. WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP? Let me think..NO!
12. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE CEREAL? Anything with alot granola stuff in it.
13. DO YOU UNTIE YOUR SHOES WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF? Yes...tho recently the puppy does it for me.
14. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM FLAVOR? Mint chocolate chip followed closely by run raisin.
15. DO YOU THINK THAT YOU ARE A STRONG PERSON? Physically and mentally (when my son's not around me) average.
16. SHOE SIZE? 8 1/2
17. RED OR PINK? Red
19. WHO DO YOU MISS THE MOST? My Mom and Dad and my Brother, Joe (who live in Heaven right now)
20. DO YOU WANT EVERYONE TO SEND THIS BACK TO YOU? Well, this is on the blog and not in the mail. Just do you own list and I'll read it. (I'm with Brandy on this one)
22 YOU COULD BE 18 AGAIN WOULD YOU? NO! (that wasn't difficult!)
23. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? Katey licking the carpet and Chloe playing with a squeekie toy.
25. FAVORITE SMELL? Ed's cologne (Royal Copenhagen)
28. DO YOU LIKE THE PERSON THAT SENT THIS TO YOU? I got this from Brandy's blog (Crochet Nut) and I thing she is really cool!
29. FAVORITE DRINK? Coffee and White Zin (not together)
30. FAVORITE SPORT? To watch..Football. To play...Tennis.
31. EYE COLOR? Green/Blue (depending on the light and who is looking at them)
32. HAT SIZE? Average (?)
33. DO YOU WEAR CONTACTS? Nope...I look better in glasses...I look like I have a brain!
39. HUGS OR KISSES? Big strong hugs!
40. FAVORITE DESSERT? Cheesecake
41. WHO WILL MOST LIKELY RESPOND? No response necessary.(again, I agree with Brandy)
42. LEAST LIKELY TO RESPOND? Whoever has more to do then me right now!
43. WHAT BOOKS are you READING NOW? The Red Hat Society
44. WHAT'S ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? My Mouse (tee-hee)
46. FAVORITE SOUNDS? Birds singing
50. WHERE WERE YOU BORN? New Kensington Pennsylvania
51. WHO SENT THIS TO YOU? Got it from Brandy (how many times do I have to say that?)
Okay...that's it for tonight....I'm being lazy! Till tomorrow....KNIT-R-DONE!
Posted by Lucy 2 Comments
Monday, August 21, 2006
A new addition to the family....
Yes, you read that right...another addition to our little family....
Don't tell me you thought it was ANOTHER puppy???? Nope, I'm crazy but I'm not that crazy...not yet anyway. No, it's our 2007 Dodge Caliber (aka mini SUV). Sweetie Man would have been safer riding a bike to Maryland than what we had before. It was really on its last leg....or should I say, last tire!!! I think a car with 161,000 miles was ready for retirement. He was so excited....it's so cute to watch a man who gets a new car...I got more excitement over that than getting the car. I'm really not a car person, car buyer, or car driver much but it's really nice and really roomy. He was willing to take me just about anywhere I wanted to go this weekend...so you know of course I hit him up with Pat Catan's...the good craft store!
And as promised I wanted to show you some pictures of some goodies that I got on vacation at the ocean. This first one is of some sock yarn (orange and yellow) along with the rose and greenish cotton yarn. I'm using that to make something but I can't show you quite yet. It feels really nice tho. I also got some patterns, a really cool wooden crochet hook (I just liked it) and a kit to learn needle felting. I haven't tried that yet, but I will soon.These next little goodies are from Lynn my One Skein Partner. She was really nice and would send me some funny emails about the packages arriving. I love the fingerless gloves she made. I'll wear those in the fall to the high school football games when we go. And I've tried the vanilla strawberry tea that she sent...mmmmm! And I can't forget the great recipes, something for Sweetie Man and me. Thanks, again Lynn.
These little goodies I made this past weekend. They are scrubbies from a recent Annie's Attic freebie for the day. I asked the Sweetie Man to give them to a friend of his as she had been so nice to me on my recent visit to Maryland. I just found out today that she went to the hospital over the weekend after breast cancer was found during a recent yearly mammogram. Hopefully it was caught early. So, in your prayers, just say a short one for "Cindy"....Sweetie Man's and my friend.
And last, but certainly not least, my first "completed" knitted socks that I sent off for a sock swap partner. They didn't turn out too bad but they are definately for cold weather. They were really soft too...I was surprised. I started another pair in pink for myself. It's a good project on car trips for some reason.
So, that's it for tonight.....I'm gonna head on to the porch for a little yarn activity then some reading and then bed. So, yinz guys, take care and in the words of that great comedian Larry the Cable Guy (with a little twist from Sweetie Man) I'm ending with this famous line...sorta......KNIT-R-DONE!!!
Posted by Lucy 8 Comments
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Fishing on the Cheasapeake
As promised, here are the beautiful pictures of our fishing trip last weekend on the Cheasapeake Bay in Maryland. It was an incredible perfect weather day. The currents were really low and there wasn't a cloud in the sky not to mention the temperature was just right. The first pic is of some of the ships in the dock area. We had fun just reading some of their names and thinking about what we would name one, if we were lucky enough to own one.
This next one is me, of course, at the entrance to "Happy Harbor"!
Here's the Sweetie Man fishing...he's done this before so I had some help thank goodness.
Me again....
One of the many fish caught on the trip....this one was a Rock Fish caught by none other than the Sweetie Man himself.....and it was good eatin', let me tell you!
Another picture of the many boats at the dock as the evening came to an end. We actually had to ride out about 45 minutes before we got to where we were going to fish so it was a gorgeous 45 minute ride back.
And a picture of all the "one eyed" fish that were caught....okay, okay, there's another eye on the other side for you non-fisherpeople! They even skin, filet, and put them in bags ready for the fry pan! It was the best!
So, that's it for the fishing trip to Maryland. Next week I'll get yinz guys some pictures of yarn and projects and stuff or else I'm gonna have to turn this blog into a vacation blog. I'm actually vacationed out if that is even possible....they were all great times though and I'm glad I got to share them with ya! So till tomorrow, yinz guys....
Posted by Lucy 6 Comments
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Just some talk....
Okay...let me see. First, to Meg who asked me awhile back about Percentage Bars/Progress Bars. I didn't have your email so what I can tell you here is that the site that I got mine off of does not have them on there anymore. (I actually just googled "percentage bars for blogs"). It was call Unlikely Words or something like that. But, try this site instead: http://www.yarntomato.com/percentbarmaker/ There are a couple of methods on how to do it. I'm the type of person that can't explain really good cause lots of times I don't understand, I just follow what they tell me to do. If anyone has any other good sites, let me know and maybe Meg will catch it. (I'm sorry, I don't have her blog name either)
Second, blogger is still being a poo-poo head and not letting me upload on my main home computer. But I managed to get around it and have some pics of last weekend's fishing trip stashed away for tomorrow's post. Stay tuned.
I also hopefully will have pics on Sunday of items that I bought on vacation as well as the great stuff I got from Lynn at Fiberific (my one skien secret pal) and a cute cute bee that Mimi sent me. (ya all know Mimi!) It's just that I need to use another computer to upload for some reason. Sweetie man will be cleaning out the one that doesn't like blogger today.
I just don't want you all to think I forgot about yinz guys. Ya know I love ya all!
Also, I know alot of you gals read so please check out the The Great Bookmark Exchange. We are looking for more people and I sorta challenged everyone to get one person to join. It's easy, it's fun, and there really is no time limit. When you've made an exchange and your ready, you just let Juli know. I've gotten some really cool books that I may not have tried out. Just email Juli at juliwyant@bellsouth.net You can even just do it one time and see if you like it. It's a cool way to get rid of some already read books too and get something new at no cost.
Oh, and also, the Sweetie Man has a new simplified blog in which he speaks his mind on all sorts of topics.....you don't have to agree with him, but it's neat to read other people's opinions and voice your own in a comment...check it out....http://heresyourpenny.blogspot.com/
I was tagged at the beginning of August by Swapna at Where Is She Now: I'm so excited...this the first time I've been tagged.....Here goes!
6 weird things/habits about myself
1. I have the longest hair of any almost 50 year old I know and probably pretty much the same style as I did in High School. (plan to never cut it either just to annoy those who think I should!) Nor do I have any gray hairs---honest!
2. I hate to drive.....I do it out of necessity. I won't drive long distances unless I'm forced to nor will I drive on turnpikes or big highways....makes me nervous. I will drive on country roads and around our town. I will however be a passenger with no problem. I also cannot read in the front seat (get nauseated) but can read with no problem in the back seat.
3. I drink milkshakes by using a regular straw as a spoon. (takes longer but it's usually worth it)
4. I'm afraid of asteroids and meteors hitting the earth or even hearing about it and if you start to talk about it, I will delete your blog from my bloglines. (I'm not kidding!)
5. I will not enter deep water in any pool/lake/ocean/river, no way no how no where.
6. I refuse to kill spiders....I think they are cute and will physically remove them, IF it becomes necessary, to safer grounds (not to mention, I would enjoy a tarantula as a pet) I would have no problem with spiders crawling on me. (I am however freaked out by centipedes!)
MMMMM...what 6 people shall I tag....let me see...mmmmm....
Okay...I'm going to tag...
Have fun, yinz guys...I'll be watchin!
Okay, that's that for Friday.....catch ya all on flip-flop tomorrow! Folk-n-Fancy, signing out!
Posted by Lucy 8 Comments
Guess what?
OMG...I actually got blogger to post some pics. Well, two is better than none I guess, so we will just take it one step at a time. The two I got are of a third puppy we hopefully will be getting. (don't worry, I'll will have pic updates on Chloe Nicole soon....she is getting bigger and crazier!)
This one is of Eros Caliente.....
"Eros" being the God of Love and "Caliente" meaning Hot! (Hey, you do the math...it's Sweetie Man's idea!) He's only 3 weeks old here and is the biggest of the bunch.....and will only get bigger....he is a Mastador (Mastif and Lab mix). He should be an excellent dog....very protective and very very big! He has the Mastif face of his mom but the colors of his dad. So so beautiful! The next pic is of his siblings....11 in all (there were 12 but one left for Puppy Heaven)
...the mom is only able to feed 8 at a time though.
We have about 4 more weeks to go before we get him. Even tho a Mastif is the largest of all breeds, he supposedly does well in even in apartments. They are very laid back dogs...don't need alot of space.
Call me crazy.....but the older I get the more I love animals. Getting this pup was actually my idea. This is going to be one awesome family of pets.....Cujo the turtle, Katie Sue our mix breed dog (more Brittany Spaniel) , Chloe Nicole another mix dog (more Jack Russell Terrier), Echo Dufoe our lovable cat (probably not spelled right cause it's French), and of course the new Eros Caliente, the Mastador!
Stay tuned......this could get interesting!!!
Posted by Lucy 9 Comments
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Is it just me...or is everyone having trouble loading pics on blogger!!! I've had trouble in the past, but never this much. My picture stash keeps growing and growing but I can't get them on!!!!! OHHHHH, I'M SO FRUSTRATED!!! (ok...now I feel better!) Don't give up on me.....I'm tryin!
Posted by Lucy 4 Comments
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
My first MEME....
Hey...I'm trying to upload pics to blogger with regard to my weekend, but blogger does not want to cooperate all the time (like that's something new)! So, instead you get a meme!
Got this meme from a link from Coffee Clatch (hope you checked her out yesterday)..... Liz has three blogs running amd this is one of them: Every Day's a Monday You go, girl!
Finish these sentences-
1. The one household chore I don’t mind doing is-WASHING DISHES AND/OR IRONING
2. The last person that made a surprise visit to my home was-MY SON'S EX-GIRLFRIEND...SHE'S SUCH A SWEETHEART!
3. I cannot comprehend-CROSSWORD PUZZLES AND TEENAGERS (and why blogger won't upload my pictures!)
5. The last serious discussion I had was with-SWEETIE MAN OVER MY SON'S SPENDING HABITS
Okay, Sue, if I'm doing this right, I'm going to TAG.....
Sue at Good Yarns (gotcha!)
Brandy at Crochet Nut (if she can tear herself away from baking!)
and fresh off of "holiday" (aka vacation)
our crazy Karen at Shabby Chic
Tootle-lu, yinz guys!
Posted by Lucy 2 Comments
Monday, August 14, 2006
Hey...while your waiting for me to get my weekend pics together.....check out these two quizzes...AND visit Liz at the Coffee Clatch She has a cute blog and I don't want her to give it up. So, go cheer her on!!!
Found this on Juli's Jots!!!
Can't remember where I got this one...but I liked it!
You Are Strawberry Ice Cream |
![]() You are most compatible with chocolate chip ice cream. |
Posted by Lucy 3 Comments
Friday, August 11, 2006
OC Maryland!
Okay...guess I best start posting again. It's just that it has been a little hectic with the usual coming back from vacation and now with two dogs...and you know how that goes. Chloe actually did grow that week we were away and has gotten quite a bit more fiesty! She is so very funny to watch tho...still in that clumsy puppy stage and discovering a new world. The other day she knocked over one of those outdoor sidewalk lights and it started to roll around. She just kept barking at it like it was alive...I laughed! We are trying to get her crate trained. My son doesn't like it but by golly it is working good. She will not go to the bathroom when she is in there and holds it till she is out in the morning as well as when we are at work. They say it is not cruel as dogs are den animals and like to relax in covered places. She really only is in there at night and when no one is home. I will definately crate train puppy #3. We haven't officially seen that litter as the mom isn't quite ready to let strangers near...maybe in a week or so...can't wait!
As for vacation...it was really nice! I'm going to do a flicker badge of the pictures like I did for Michigan and Barbados. BUT these are the highlights......
First and foremost, our balcony view was gorgeous! We had an ocean view AND a bay view. (Sun up and Sun down!)
It was really hot and humid but, hey, it's the beach...what do ya think it's gonna be? Ya just put on the old swimsuit and jump in the pool. Which is what we did! And as I predicted to Ed, my son found a girl to spend time with at the pool...go figure! That way he didn't have to hang out with the "old folks" all the time!
We stayed in a really nice condo with my son and my sister so there was plenty of room for all as well as Ed to do some cooking which was delicious as always.
We did some shopping and I got to visit some yarn stores. I was so excited seeing as the one I visited here in PA was a bust....these on the other hand...they practically had to drag me out but I did manage to get a few gems!!!
I played a little tennis with my son which was was fun as I really hadn't done that for years. Tennis is the only sport that I will play...I love it...probably cause I was on the team in high school. It was pretty hot playing tho so I told my son I want to play again when we get back home. I did manage to beat him in a couple of games which isn't bad for a 49 year old (he of course claimed he let me win...right!!!)
One of the highlights of the vacation, I thought, in addition to the yarn and oh, yes, great cross stitch store in Cape May, was the wild ponies on Assateague Island! OMG...they are right on the beach with you! If you ever go to Ocean City, Maryland, you've got to go the extra 30 miles or whatever to see them. Picture this...you're laying on a beautiful sandy beach, playing in the surf, right next to you are these wild ponies. I am telling you we couldn't take enough pictures. Now you have to be sure you don't feed them or leave food lying around cause they will go in seach of it in your coolers. There were so many of them...that was what struck me. If you want to know more...check out this website: http://www.assateagueisland.com/ It was gorgeous! Oh, and least I forget the beautiful Ferry ride to Cape May New Jersey. Cape Map was were we did some shopping also but that Ferry ride is awesome. We actually even saw some dolphins jumping in the water. They are so quick tho you really can't take any pictures. So cool!!
So, that's about it for the vacation.....there was of course lots of reading, sunshine, relaxing, good restaurants, walking on the beach at night, biking on the boardwalk and lots of fun! Definately will go back to OC again.
Saturday we are getting up early for a day trip to Maryland for some fishing on a boat with a group of Ed's friends. That will be a 4 hour ride to and from. (will definately take some projects to work on!)Will either be back Saturday late or early Sunday. I'll be taking some pics there too. Then to be honest with you, I'll be ready to stay home for the fall and winter. All these vacations are tiring!!!!
Being with Ed for the week was the best BEST part though...24/7! We have so much fun together.....he can always make me smile!
Well, that's it for now...hope you enjoyed your virtual trip to OC, Maryland!
Have a great weekend, yinz guys......Tootles!
Posted by Lucy 14 Comments
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
I'm back...
Hi guys! I'm back but a little busy with catching up on things at home and mail and laundry and pets and unpacking and etc..... So bear with me and I'll be back ASAP!
Posted by Lucy 3 Comments