Monday, July 03, 2006

Not to worry...

Hey yinz guys...We're going on vacation for a few days to the great state of Michigan....I'll try to post but don't worry if I don't....I'll be having fun in the sun in the country!!! Oh, yeah!!!
Enjoy the fourth everyone and for those of you in Canada.....hope you guys had a great holiday too!!! Talk to ya Sunday...if not sooner!!! (I'll be takin some yarn with me....don't worry!)


Anonymous said...

Have fun on your vacation. I will miss ya!!

Kare said...

We will miss you, for sure, Lucy!
Have a grandioso time.

LG said...

Have a happy vacation!

Kare said...

I miss you, Lucy....

Anonymous said...

Have a great time in Michigan - and you know, we'll expect heaps of pics when you return home! :)