Tuesday, June 13, 2006

For all yunz guys....

I scored a 88% on the "How Pittsburgh are you?" Quizie! What about you?

And unless you are from Pittsburgh, I would bet yunz guys didn't score as high as I did! I was just thinking about how different we all talk even in cities we are close too. I mean, people can usually tell I'm from Pittsburgh as I am sure they can tell where you are from by the way you talk. I'm not talking so much about an accent but the words we use.
For instance, it wasn't until the last couple years that I realized "slippy" wasn't a word in the sense of "hey, it's slippy on the sidewalk." And "redd-up"....I mean really, everyone doesn't "redd-up" the house. There is even a billboard in downtown Pittsburgh in which the Mayor asks people to "redd-up" Pittsburgh for the All-Star Baseball Game in July. It gotta be a word...for goodness sake, the Mayor uses it!!! I was born "redding-up"! Did ya "redd-up" your room....did ya "redd-up" the table? I can't believe we only use it here!
And it wasn't until I took this quiz that I realized that everyone doesn't "run the sweeper"? To me "vacuum" was something that sucked up air.
And doesn't everyone go down the "cellar" to "warsh" the clothes? Sweetie man teases me quite a bit because I call everything a "cupboard".....no closets in my house...no, sireee!
And need I go into the difference between "pop" (aka, pepsi, coke, etc..) and soda?
Alright, alright.....so I talk funny. I love Pittsburgh-eez....I love being from this area....and I love the language, if that's what you want to call it. It's a great town, with great people....and where else can you say in the middle of November....."how 'bout them Stillers?" Till, tomorrow, yunz guys.....


Anonymous said...

You should hear me talk after I come back from down south and spending time with my step mom. I know what some of them, sodie is something they say down south. And when I first met my hubby ice sounded like ask...Well keeping it g rated anyways. LOL Have a great nite!!`

Anonymous said...

I won't tell you how I scored on the quiz, LOL :) It's funny to read about the different slangs and dialects - it's the same over here, there are a couple villages in valleys close by where we from "the city" would hardly understand a word. :)

Kare said...

Great post! I'm so educated now! I had no idea you 'Pittsburghians' (?) had your own language. lol.

Cheryl:) said...

Lucy, oh yes I am like you, everyone usually knows what part of the US I am from! This really made me laugh. I never knew they weren't regular words either! I tried to take the test but it kept giving me the questions over and over. :(
I can't stand when people say PICKSBURGH though...

Tina said...

Some words they say out here in Colorado since we've moved here: 'Right on' (Oooh! That just irritates me I don't know why. I think because my husband knows it irritates me so he says it even more...) Anyway. Another thing is 'brother'. 'Right on, brother' I haven't caught on to any other words, but I know what you mean. It's kind of interesting. Oh, yeah, it's soda out here, not pop. I grew up in Michigan and you just always called it pop. Here it's soda.