Monday, February 20, 2006


Thank you! Okay, I don't have a cold yet but it's trying to catch me and I'm running as fast as I can. My throat has been scratchy so I immediatly started putting this stuff called Zicam around the nostrils of my nose...hey it's worth a shot. I'd blame all the sick bloggers blogs that I've been reading (seems everyone had a cold) but my son had one last week and ....well, you know the rest. Really, if they can send a man to the moon (or a place that looks like one) then why can't they make something like luminol (stuff that the police spray to find blood spatters in crime scenes...(hey, I watch Court TV too) and call it lumi-cold.....then one someone in the house has a spray this stuff and BINGO you know where all the snots are and you avoid them. Ok....bad idea!
Anyway, I had to work today, but I think that everyone thought we were off so we didn't get many calls today in the office. My sweetie was off and he was nice enough to go to Walmart and get me the crochet hook I misplaced last night for my Olympic project. What a guy! (At least I wasn't sending him out to buy feminine protection....."price check...aisle 4....Kotex"!) I'm sure that now that I have a H crochet hook, I'll find the one I misplaced....maybe the cat took it cause he was pissed that I put the yarn in my box with a hole it in (See Sunday's blog)
I also stopped at the book store yesterday and found a Crochet Fantasy mag.....I haven't see that mag in years. I remember it from a long time ago and it was more doilies and tablecloths if my memory serves me correctly. Anyway, it really is looks different from what I remember it...colorful and very understandable. Check it out. There website isn't much of anything tho, yet.
Well, getting ready to crochet for the Olympics and watch WifeSwap and the Bachelor (I'm gonna make me a button that says, "addicted to reality TV...and crochet".) So, check me out tomorrow for the continuing saga of "The Cat Who Hid My Crochet Hook"....thanks for reading......ahhhhhh....chooooooo! (thank you!) Lucy


Anonymous said...

oh, I hope that you get to feeling better. I have my 'favorite' crochet hook too, and it seems that I lose it about once a day...ok, maybe once a week. Anyways, I wanted to drop by and leave you a comment and say hello. If you need any help you can drop me a email anytime. I am working but, still manage to spend more time than I should online.