Well, this is my first International Hermit Weekend post. (see sidebar if you want to participate too) I was supposed to post by Tuesday, but well....I'm a procastinator as you can see. I promise to do better next month.
Unfortunately and as always.....Sir Echo got in the way. He insists on being right in front and on top and in the way of every stitching project I do. And he always seems to know exactly what part of the pattern I'm working on so he can sit on it....which by the way is the 2011 Littlehouse Needleworks Ornament collection.
Then he has the nerve to look at me like, "yeah...well...whadda you lookin' at??"
So, that was my third weekend of the month Hermit post.....I'm sure there will be alot more of these as I "hermit" alot with my stitching.
So, till next time, yunz crazy guys!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Hermit Weekend....
Posted by Lucy 2 Comments
Friday, January 20, 2012
For a Special Friend...
Hubby always says I should keep the things I make instead of giving them away as they are so nice. But I have great joy in giving things to people who I know will appreciate the gift.
I have a dear stitching friend who is going through some health treatments right now and I thought I would cheer and surprise her with a little something to let her know I'm thinking about her and praying for her.
So, I made her this altoid tin scissor box with a magnetic insert.I also added this super easy needle keep. I actually bought one when I was on vacation once and just figured out the pattern on my own. So so easy and great stitcher gifts.

My friend had actually given me a bunch of left over material that she used in backings on some of her ornaments that she had stitched. I liked this combination so I used the cupcake theme to make these items for her as a thank you and something to let her know I'm missing her stitching with us. I'm sure we'll be seeing her soon.
Posted by Lucy 9 Comments
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
It's a NEW YEAR!!!
The Holidays have wiped me our craft-wise but that doesn't mean I'm stopping...just slowing down a bit and doing some crafting for me!
I've been anxious to show this Junk Journal I made for my niece so grab a cup of your favorite hot beverage, sit sound, turn up the volume and enjoy 5 minutes of relaxation while you take a peek at my first junk journal made with my new Cinch binding tool that Santa brought..ENJOY!
Till next time, yinz crazy guys!
Posted by Lucy 2 Comments