Well, it's finally Spring...and with that brings the energy to clean and file and so forth and so on. When the weather is dreary and cold, I can't figure out where the energy in me is going to come from to clean up and change decorations in the house....but then that first warm sunny day comes along and BAM, there it is and I literally can't stop! So that's what I've been doing. Been doing a little crafting in between too. I've been doing a little crocheting. This little cross from bedspread cotton is for a little girl far far away.

Then I was in the mood for a little journaling. Did a couple of pages while hubby was out of town just to keep myself busy. I also just like to draw whether it's good or not and play around with colors. Guess it goes back to my crayon and coloring book obsession as a kid. Having trouble getting some pics uploaded but I will.
Also did a Saturday afternoon cross stitching with some of my gal pals at a local Panera. Even tho there was nothing there to purchase other than food, I managed to fall in love with one of the ladies new battery operated LCD Ott lights and came home and purchased one on amazon myself. It is so lightweight and portable. Just hope the batteries last awhile. Well, that's what I've been up to. Tho I don't always comment on everyone's blog, I still love to read them and get inspired. Thanks for reading mine and hope I can do the same. Till next time yinz crazy guys.......