This is my cross stitch for a HOE Christmas Box exchange. It's a By the Bay pattern and it's really cute.

So with that said, I'll leave you with an adorable picture of my bad kitty being a "good kitty" for once. Till next time, yinz crazy guys!

Posted by Lucy 5 Comments
I cannot believe we are saying and seeing the "S" word in October! YUCK!!
The one good thing is that I stitched just about all day. My spot in front of the TV on a cold Saturday....
Posted by Lucy 4 Comments
Saw this on a Facebook post and just had to share. I think this lady got inside my brain and knew what I've been thinking about my creativity for the past 50 years...
Till next time....yinz crazy guys!
Posted by Lucy 1 Comments
Thought it would be fun to try and just sketch a quickie pic without giving myself my time to plan it out which is a bad habit of mine and keeps me from just pulling out my sketchbook anytime and anywhere and just drawing.
Posted by Lucy 5 Comments
I love to change the wallpaper on my phone and I actually have a great app for that....this happens to be the current image on my phone.
A couple of times I was tempted to use it but resisted the urge as I can't afford a new phone right now. Think I would be safer cutting it out and taping it to a pillow tho.
Okay...onto bigger and better things. Saw this tutorial on making a zipper bracelet and decided to make one. I just love it. Turns out there are alot of things you can make with zippers. So if you are interested....just google "zipper crafts or zipper bracelets" and you can do it too with the zippers off those old pair of jeans that don't fit you any longer. I gave this one to my niece but plan on making one for myself.
Posted by Lucy 4 Comments
We got a Hobby Lobby...we got a BIG Hobby Lobby! I've been waiting for one of these stores to open near us for a very long time and finally my wish came true. I even emailed their headquarters once and asked why there wasn't one in PA. At that time they were only building so far out from their headquarters. So now we have one and I love it! We have Michaels, JoAnns and Pat Catans...but Hobby Lobby is my fav.
As a matter of fact, I was so excited, I even did a watercolor of it...crazy, I know.
Posted by Lucy 4 Comments
I know, I know....what happened to the even days postings? Well, after I came back from vacation, I had a bit of an upper respiratory infection and then a little relapse of it. Finally feeling back to almost 100%. So, I'll get back to my blogging. Thanks for hangin' in there.....till next time, yinz crazy guys!
Posted by Lucy 2 Comments
....I told you I was back!!! (this is what happens when you give little kids access to the phone on your camera)
When we were on vacation, we had the pleasure of babysitting these two little munchkins for a couple afternoons. We call them our "surrogate" grandchildren as they are not directly related to us but we love them just as much as if they were.
It's much easier for me to make things for little girls than little boys, so I was able to spoil our blonde cutie pie with some Barbie fashions. (not to worry, our little guy was spoiled too) A couple of outfits I made before leaving on vacation, one while in the car driving to vacation (so I wouldn't be a NAG-a-vator) and the remainder while on vacation.
This first one was supposed to be a top, but ended up being a wrap around dress.
Posted by Lucy 2 Comments
Yep, I'm back from an awesome vacation in the the lovely state of Michigan with relatives....most awesomest time ever with bonfires and blueberries and babysitting the grandkids....just the best! Unfortunately, one of the little ones came down with Strep but they caught it early and he was put on meds ASAP and is doing fine....I however, came back with an upper respiratory infection which I had last week and I too (with the help of meds) am doing much better. So, I'm back on track with my "even" days post. I'm hoping to post, in the next few days, a little of what I've been up to while away.
So, with that said......stay tuned....till next time, yinz crazy guys!
Posted by Lucy 1 Comments
I know I said I would be blogging on every even day....but now I'll have to, as my Pastor says, ask for an "Umbrella of Grace" as for the next week or so I will be enjoying the company of this awesome crew..... ...and I will probably be sitting on a back porch swing watching these many evenings while I stitch or draw or read with my wonderful hubby by my side....
...and I know for sure I'll be eating lots of this....
Posted by Lucy 3 Comments
I'm making an attempt at watercoloring....can you tell. Actually, watercolor and ink. This is Sandcastle Waterpark in Pittsburgh PA. We got a great deal on passes this year and have been going when we can and when it's hot. It's just like being at the beach except the park is on the river...but the place has a real beach feel to it.
I've tried to do some watercolor pics of it but I think I just need to keep practicing. I get so impatient tho....but everyone I read about who is a watercolor artist/journaler stresses practice and doing something with it everyday.
So, with that said, it's back to practicing....till next time, yinz crazy guys!
Posted by Lucy 2 Comments
As you know I do jump around in my crafting and I also do so in my journaling. Lately I've been doing some watercolor and ink drawings but these are ones I've done about a month or so inspired by the lovely Teesha Moore.
These are fun to do as they are rarely done in one sitting. It's like you start a bunch of pages then just go back and forth depending on what is inspiring you at the moment.
So with that said, another post is under my Even Days Only belt.....Happy August and till next time yinz crazy guys.....
Posted by Lucy 3 Comments
This is my granddog, Reese, done in an app called Psykopaint! My son took a pic of his dog, I uploaded it into Psykopaint....picked the Monet setting and "Reese in Monet". Psykopaint is so much fun. He's not as "Monet" as I wish he was but still it was fun playing. I could even print this out and frame it...all for free! My son also hooked me up with Google Chrome....I'm the Google Queen so this was a real treat for me. So many free apps with the same great search engine Google is known for. So if you want to have some fun playing and drawing on the computer, along with some awesome free game apps, just search for Google Chrome and start downloading. (weatherbug app is the best by the way!!)
Okay....another "even" day post under my belt...till next time, yinz crazy Psykos!!!
Posted by Lucy 3 Comments
Even day #2....this time I'm going to post some journal pages I've been doing. Oh, first off, for those who asked (Meari)...Moleskine is really just a very nice journal. Sorta like buying expensive yarn to knit with or a nice linen fabric to stitch on with really beautiful overdyed threads. There's a nice website where you can learn more about them....just google "moleskine". Stupid me thought the cover was made out of moles in which case it would have taken quite a few to make one journal...duh!
Anyway, here are some of the pages I've been working on. This first one was a co-effort from hubby as that was what he called the lesion that was in my nose. Notice the patriotic flag flown from the nostril... (click on any pic for a larger view)This is just a nice background I did with watercolors, collage and gesso stenciled butterflies. Haven't added any writing yet.
Did this while at Sandcastle, our Pittsburgh waterpark. The park is on the borders of the river and it just looked so pretty that day....all done in watercolors.
Posted by Lucy 2 Comments
Posted by Lucy 4 Comments