.....I'm vacationing HERE.....
...OH, SORRY....I mean HERE.....

Till next time, yinz crazy guys......
.....I'm vacationing HERE.....
...OH, SORRY....I mean HERE.....
Posted by Lucy 3 Comments
.....GLOBAL WARMING????....HOGWASH!!!Sweetie Man was out in his car the other day and saw this sign while down in the Baltimore area in Maryland!!! He said he actually swung his car around in rush hour traffic just to take a picture of it!!!! I don't know what was crazier....the sign or the fact that he went back to take a picture!!!!!
Till next time, yinz crazy guys......stay cool (but not that cool!)
Posted by Lucy 5 Comments
.....you okay???? My great nephew cried when he saw it....we laughed. By the end of the weekend tho, they were buddies! This is ZORB FLIPWIT and if you want to make a Knit Wit of your own, just visit the Little Miss Match site and the instructions and a birth certificate for printing are there. I found my socks at the dollar store but you can certainly purchse them from this site along with alot of other cool things. Check it out!!
Next are some cool dotees I received on some recent swaps on Swap-bot. First off is the "dotee with a mousetache". My partner saw that I loved butterflies so this was perfect for me. It made me laugh with the floss mousetache.
Posted by Lucy 7 Comments
22 years ago today, I lay in a hospital bed with the biggest smile on my face that anyone has ever seen!!! 22 years ago today, my crazy, fun, loveable son made his grand entrance into the world and life would never be the same again!!! He's been my rock through times I wasnt' sure I could hang on. He's been a smile when I needed one and no one was around. He's been a strong hug when I felt un-hugeable! He's driven me crazy sometimes, worried me out of my mind and on occasion made me utter those famous words..."I brought you into this world and I can take you out!" But no matter what happened in my life in the past.....I would go through it all over again just to have THIS BOY!!!!! Thank you, God, for this wonderful blessing you gave me to grow and nuture into a man. I'm sure you know, Father, that he has taught me way more about this world of yours than I could ever have taught him. Please keep him safe, strong and happy for many many years to come. Happy Birthday, Glenn.....I love you!!!!
Posted by Lucy 3 Comments
Look everybody...I won an award!!! This one is from Rachel over at Home Is Where The Heart Is. Thanks Rachel!!
Now I'm going to pick my 7 favs....7 is really hard cause I have over 100 listed on bloglines but I'll start picking anyway.
Posted by Lucy 4 Comments
...I haven't disappeared off the face of the earth....just spending some quality time with this awesome little man....my great nephew, Owen!!!!Till next time, yinz crazy guys....
Posted by Lucy 3 Comments